Be Strong and Do It
Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 28:20
“Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.”
Be Strong and Do It
God is great. God is merciful. God has done great things for us.
Today, we thank God because a new day is coming. Let us look at the Word of God in 1 Chronicles 28:20. God is saying to us, be strong, be bold, be courageous and do it. Do what? Praise God. Do what? Thank God. Do what? Serve God. Do what? Obey God. Do what? Count your blessings. It will take courage to count your blessings if you are going through difficulties now. It will take strength of character and gratitude to thank God, especially if you have had a challenging season. But, I want you to be strong and courageous and do it today. I encourage you to write to God, to sing to God, to say to Him, “Lord, I appreciate you. For everything you have done for me, I bless you. For thine, O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty. You have used your greatness, your power and glory, and your ability to be victorious to bless me. You have blessed me with becoming your child. Lord, you have made me a prince. You have made me a princess because I am a child of the Everlasting Father, King Jesus, His Majesty.”
In everything give thanks to God today, for this is the will of God the Father concerning you. Take heed; be strong and do it. Spend today in great gratitude. Let God give you the grace today to thank Him for all He has done. Remember His promises and begin to thank Him. Count your blessings. For those of you who can count, you are in a special group, because I cannot count the blessings. The blessings of God are innumerable but we have to try to count the uncountable. Is it life, health, breath, hope, salvation? Talk to God today and say, “O Lord, I count my blessings from you my God.
With gratitude, I attempt to count the uncountable. I count the blessing of life, life that is irreplaceable.”
Thank Him for abundant blessings and favour, for your family, for your prayers that He answered, for your health and healing, for your revival, for your vision, for journeying mercies. Thank God for everything that He has done for you. Thank God for all the people you know. Bless Him and for your gratitude He will give you wholeness this year. I pray that God will give you the grace to walk with favour and in pleasure and prosperity.
Prayer Points:
Pray with me now, “Lord God, I take courage. I take the strength. I take your counsel and I thank you for my life. I thank you and I praise you for all you are doing. Lord God, as I walk with you this year, bless me with favour from above.
Bless me with favour in the sight of all with whom I have to deal in the name of Jesus. Lord let me find favour, compassion, and loving kindness with you and with man in the name of Jesus. Lord let the demonic circle that has been established in the heart of man against my prosperity, my favour, my pleasure be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Lord God Almighty, reveal all my blessings, dreams, visions, and resources that will advance my call in the name of Jesus. Lord, give me supernatural breakthroughs now. Let divine wisdom fall upon me; let it fall upon all who are working with me in the name of Jesus. Lord, I break the backbone of any spirit of conspiracy and treachery operating against my life in the name of Jesus.”
Pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit will purge away every evil mark upon your life. Beloved, be strong. Fear not nor be dismayed for God is with you. He will be with you always. He will not fail you. Live by His Word, obey Him, and serve Him so that you will spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Amen.