
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:2

“And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.”


O Father God, we thank you for desiring that we have a closer walk with you. Even as our consciousness of you has increased, Lord we pray that you will draw us closer to you.

Father, we pray for your anointing upon our lives. Let there be an infilling of your Holy Spirit; a fresh anointing to the glory of your Holy Name.

Beloved, today we will talk about some Christian words and giftings that draw us closer to God. Many of us have heard the word “anointing,” which simply means an infilling of the Holy Spirit that causes us to manifest the fruit and gifts of His Holy Spirit. I want us to pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to ask God to fill us with Fresh Oil, a fresh supply of His Spirit.

Today, are you feeling a “burden” in your spirit? A burden is an anxiety in the spirit, usually an indication for caution and prayer. You may not know the source of that burden, but you know everything is not right. We pray that God in His mercy will lift that burden. Every burden that has been placed in the spirits of your children, Father, we pray them away now in the name of Jesus.

Sometimes we feel a “check” in our spirit, like a restraint, a hindrance, or a directive to stop something. You may be about to make a commitment but you sense that you should hold off; you have a check. I pray that God will give us all the grace to respond to the checks He puts in our path.  There are things we want to do that in our heads seem okay, but they are not okay spiritually and God has put that check in you to say no, do not go that way, do not get into that relationship, do not sign that contract, do not do that for which I have given you a check. Father God Almighty, I pray that you make us all sensitive to the checks you put in our hearts. Most of our actions are based on our intellectual and human understanding; we do not see as the spirit sees, nor understand as the spirit understands. But in His love for us He has put in our spirit a system that represents an indication that we hold on.

If on the other side of a check you feel a “peace” in your spirit, a sigh of relief in a particular matter, this is a green light, an indication of approval in your spirit. Often you have a peace in your spirit and your head does not understand why, because it does not make intellectual sense. That peace is from the Spirit of the living God directing you that everything is okay.

Lord we thank you for the ministrations of peace in our spirit in every area of our lives:  peace about a relationship, a new job, a new church, a ministry.  Make us open to your indications of peace in our spirits that we will use it to the glory of your holy name in our Christian walk with you.

What does it mean to have a “revelation?” A Christian’s spiritual revelation is an understanding given by the Holy Spirit about a Scripture or a particular circumstance. You may be reading the Bible and suddenly a passage goes beyond just a general meaning to a greater understanding. You understand it the way you never did before and can share it with confidence.

Lord, I pray that you bless us as we read your Word: pour into us revelation upon revelation. Open up your Word; open up the truth in every circumstance. I pray that we will walk in revelation, not in ignorance, in Jesus’ name.

I want to also share about a “leading.” A leading is a directive by the Holy Spirit on how to proceed on a particular matter. My prayer is that if you have never experienced a leading that you will pray for it. Pray that the Lord will lead you in every situation and every circumstance, that you will experience the priviledge and benefits of the Christian leading by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit leads His own.  May He lead you today.

Prayer Points:

O Lord, anoint me anew. Bless me with the fresh infilling of your Holy Spirit, your Fresh Oil, and give me the grace to manifest the fruit of your Spirit as enumerated in Galatians 5:22–23. O Lord, with your anointing help me to use my gifts to profit according to your desire for me in the name of Jesus. I pray for all who feel a burden in their spirit today. I cast the burdens into the blood of Jesus, O Lord.  Let the blood of Jesus speak for us, O Lord, let it prevail and avail for us. Let every burden be rolled away from every reader today in the name of Jesus.

In your mercy, O Lord, give us the grace to obey the red lights; the checks you put in our spirit.  Lord, help us to appreciate the peace that you put in our spirits; the peace you have put in our lives, the peace you have put in our environment that indicates that everything is okay. Lord, continue to bless with revelations from your written Word in our circumstances in Jesus’ name. Beloved, I thank God for your lives and I pray in the name of Jesus that a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit will be your portion, that the peace of God will be your portion, that the revelation of God will be your portion, that the leading of the Holy Spirit will be your reality. May God bless you, in Jesus’ name. Amen!


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