Prayer Warfare for a Breakthrough I: Victory is Mine

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 1:10
“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

Prayer Warfare for a Breakthrough I: Victory is Mine

Father God, you are truly glorious. You reign in splendor and victory. Glorify our lives with the royal treatment; red carpet, acknowledgment, honour and glory you received when you rode on that donkey into Jerusalem.

Some of us are beginning to understand how great we are and how powerful we can be in the Lord. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, 2 Corinthians 10:4.

Today, release from negative foundational strongholds has come for you. Let the Word in Jeremiah be true; the time has come to uproot everything in your life that is not of God so that the enemy may no longer oppress.

Pray in the matchless name of Jesus. “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Cover my family and me with the blood of Jesus. Through the cover of the blood of Jesus and through the cover of the shadow of the Most High God, I remove myself from every evil device set in motion against me beginning from my childhood. I disconnect myself from everything that has been planted into my life, consciously or unconsciously, known or unknown to me, that God did not plant.

Every tree that the Lord God, my Creator and heavenly Father has not planted in my life, let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn it from its fruit to its root. I uproot you today in the name of Jesus. Get out now you root of fear that the Lord did not plant in my life.

Everything that is not of God in my life, I pull you down, I destroy you, I burn you to ashes with the fire of the Holy Ghost. From today you devil’s agents, you witchcraft power, you charm, you will not work anymore against me for I am a child of God covered in the triumphant blood of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, your kingdom is divided and finished in my life.

As I uproot and burn every evil tare, Father, I build and plant the fruit of the life of God. I build and plant the thoughts of God, the building and structure of the order of the living God upon the foundation of my life. Fill my life with good things, O Lord Almighty; fill it with your favour.

In the name of Jesus, I fill every area of my life with the triumphant entry of Jesus, the rule of God. I bring my life into the obedience of Christ. I have a firm, permanent foundation.

All glory, all honour, all power belong to you, Holy Father. From today, no height will be too high for me as a child of God; no blessing will be too much for me; no age will be too ripe; no health will be unrealistic; no vision will be impossible. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13.

With the blessing of a healthy foundation that is now my portion, I decree that the tree of my life will bloom and blossom and bring forth almonds like the rod of Aaron on the altar of the living God.

Yes, Jehovah let your kingdom come. Come and manifest your power, God Almighty. Lord, let your Word work, let it rule in my life.” Amen.

Prayer Points:

Heavenly Father, cause the lives of your children to be a perpetual triumph. Let these lives reveal the spoiling of principalities whenever they dare to approach. From this day forward, let us destroy every evil power that comes near. From this day forward, I decree that no enchantment, no divination, no witchcraft will work against us because we are called of God. Let victory in the name of Jesus be our portion. Amen.


Prayer Warfare for a Breakthrough II: Deliverance and Restoration


Prayer for Signs and Wonders