Let These Go Their Way
Scripture Reading: John 18:1–9
“Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way: That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none,” John 18:7–9.
Let These Go Their Way
When the Lord Jesus Christ faced the multitude that came to arrest him in the garden of Gethsemane with their lanterns, torches, and weapons, He did not run away. This was a band of men, yet Jesus did not seek to hide or run even though He must have seen and heard what sounded like an army coming. Rather He went forth and said unto them, “Whom seek ye?” When they told Him that they were looking for Jesus of Nazareth, our Lord said, “I am he.”
As soon as He told them who He was, they went backward and fell to the ground, verse 6. This did not just happen as a negligible event in the process of the arrest of Jesus. From Philippians 2:10, we know that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,” so even the band of soldiers that had weapons and torches and lanterns were forced to bow because the Lord Jesus proclaimed who He was. Then He asked them again who they were looking for, to which they responded, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said, “I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way,” verse 8. By telling the soldiers to “let these go their way,” Jesus confirmed that He is the I Am that I Am, the Ancient of Days, the Saviour, the Messiah, the Deliverer, the Redeemer, and that He was pre-negotiating the release of His people.
You are among the people in the atonement of the shed blood of Jesus for which He pre-negotiated a release at Gethsemane. When Jesus stood there and said “let these go their way,” He meant for the enemy to let you go; for you to not be taken into bondage. Let all who read this go their own way into holiness, into righteousness, into ministering unto the Lord; into whatever the Lord has called you to do. Jesus has pre- negotiated that you go your way into prosperity, into peace, and into love by negotiating this release on your behalf.
Increase your consciousness of that negotiation at Gethsemane: the negotiation by our Lord Jesus to set you free, for whomever the Son sets free is free indeed. The bands of the enemy, of Satan, have no power to arrest you because Jesus negotiated your release in the garden.
Are you one of those whom Jesus has commanded to be let go on your way into peace, prosperity, joy, harmony, love, breakthroughs, increase, blessings, good days, revelations, and knowledge? Are you going in the way Jesus planned for you when He pre-negotiated your release? If there is anything holding you in bondage, anything troubling you that keeps you from living as Jesus intended, it is time to claim the freedom Jesus negotiated for you.
Prayer Points:
Father God, I pray that your Word will work; that it will reign, in my life. I thank you because your Word is powerful, your Word is active, and it works for good. Father, I glorify your holy name and even as I read your Word today O Lord, let it bring deliverance from anything troubling me. Jesus has set me free, so my enemies have to let me go my way. I super- impose my release at Gethsemane into every situation that is holding me in bondage and I decree that I now go my way into prosperity, into joy, and into all that I am meant to be in Christ Jesus who released me. Amen.