A Life of Miracles
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:7
“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.”
A Life of Miracles
What is a miracle? A miracle happens when the natural is suspended and the supernatural takes over. A miracle is when God, by His power, overrules the natural and superimposes on it the supernatural. It is not natural for eyes that have been blind and plucked out to see again, but God can place His supernatural hand on those eyes, restore them, and they will see again. A miracle is when the natural is displaced by the supernatural and the ordinary is overwhelmed by the extraordinary. To experience a miracle, you must be on the lookout; you must be ready to walk in the realm of the supernatural, in the realm of the extraordinary.
A miracle is an extraordinary event connected to the power of the Holy Spirit, to which we are entitled through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. A miracle is usually a remarkable occurrence, something outstanding and extraordinary. A miracle is always an object of wonder. David was able to say in Psalm 71:7, “I am as a wonder unto many.” How many of us can say, “When people look at me, they behold a wonder because I am full of miracles”? That is the realm God wants you and me to walk in.
Miracles manifest in healing in every realm: emotional, physical, financial, familial, and all the areas that have been corrupted in the natural. As you begin to walk in the realm of miracles, you will begin to experience the suspension of the natural for the supernatural; the suspension of the ordinary for the extraordinary. May God make you a person who is full of wonders, remarkable and extraordinary. This is what God intends for you, so receive it in the name of Jesus.
Beloved, miracles are a reality. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:10 that God gave to us the gift of “the working of miracles,” so we are biblically empowered to covet this spiritual gift.
To walk in the realm of miracles, you have to tell the Lord that you are ready for a miracle. You have to change your attitude from that of a natural operator to that of a supernatural operator; from an ordinary operator to an extraordinary operator. You have to be ready for excellence and ready to manifest the excellence of God. When God says, “walk before me, and be thou perfect,” He is calling you to upgrade your walk so that you will begin to walk in the realm of the supernatural. The only way to do this is to resolve to walk before God. God said to His friend Abraham in Genesis 17:1, “I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” When you walk before God, you walk in the realm of perfection, the extraordinary, and the supernatural. I pray that God will give you the grace to resolve to walk before God, that the natural will be suspended and the supernatural will reign in your life.
When we walk before God, by the grace of His anointing and His Presence, and according to His Word, He will evolve us into perfection. Walking in perfection is walking in the realm of the supernatural, because it is not natural for any human being to be perfect. And when the light of God is upon you, your appearance changes. When you spend time in the presence of God, you begin to glow. I pray that God in His mercy will lift you up to the realm of the miraculous.
Prayer Points:
Father, I thank you for the power that is in your Presence. I pray that today you take me into your Presence, that I will begin to view things under the light of your Presence and receive revelations there. Father, I pray that my expectations in all I do will be expectations of the miraculous. I pray that you will renew my mind today and give me the grace to begin to operate in the realm of the miraculous. Yes Lord, your business on earth was mainly manifested in miracles. The miracles you implemented while you were on earth are innumerable. We thank you Lord, because everyday you are still doing new miracles. You sit at the right hand of the Father God Almighty but your Spirit, your power, your Presence on earth is still working miracles in the lives of those who resolve to walk with you. Father, I am ready for a miracle. I am tired of the ordinary and ready for the extraordinary; tired of the natural and ready for the supernatural; tired of mediocrity and ready for excellence. I want to be an outstanding specimen of the human being; a mobile miracle. I want to be identified as someone who is full of wonders; someone who is evolving into perfection. Father God Almighty, in the name of Jesus, anoint me and soak me from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet with your anointing. Place me in your Presence and let me begin to walk before you and live a life of miracles and be a blessing to others.