Simeon: The Lord Is Hearing

Scripture Reading: Genesis 29:33
“And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the Lord hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she called his name Simeon.”

Simeon: The Lord Is Hearing

Father we thank you because you are our own Emmanuel. We thank you because by your grace you hear us, and when you hear you will answer, and in answer to our cry, you bring our joy.

Today, as we share the significance of the name Simeon, we look at Genesis 29:33. The name Simeon essentially means “hearing.” When Leah made this statement, she affirmed something that everyone who needs this encouragement should receive today: the Lord knows the difficult situation you are in.

The Lord not only sees hatred, He hears the voice of hatred that is speaking against you. And when God hears, He does more than just store the information; He acts upon it. He saw Leah’s situation whereby she had given birth to a son, Reuben, and by all accounts that should have given her favour but it did not. She was still operating in the bondage of hatred. Her father swindled her husband and short-changed her into marrying a man who did not love her. She hoped that giving him a son would change things but it did not. The hatred was still her portion and God responded by opening her womb and giving her a son that she named Simeon or “hearing.”

I say to you today that the Lord is hearing your challenge. He is not only seeing it but He is hearing the comments that are being made because of your situation. He is hearing the comments made by people who analyze, by the enemy, and by those who keep talking about your circumstance. Can you imagine what it must have been like for Leah to hear people saying, “Oh that is the one the man didn’t really want, he had to be drunk to marry her. He actually wanted her sister, the beautiful one.” People can be cruel with all kinds of descriptions that must have hurt, but note well that the Lord hears.

Is your situation hurtful? Is the analysis of your circumstance oppressive? Do you feel discouraged and hated? I have a word in Simeon for you and the word is that the Lord is hearing. The question is are you hearing the Lord? Your circumstances are speaking and the Lord is hearing and responding, but it also means that you and I need the ability to hear God. We hear not only with our ears but also by our attitude, responses, and actions. When you instruct someone and they say they hear, they should begin to manifest the fruits of people who hear, because they have the oil, the anointing of Simeon, which means hearing. God is hearing in two ways.

He is hearing your circumstance, your cry, and things that are being said about you that you have not heard but are feeling. You cry because your spirit man knows what is happening to you. The Lord God Almighty hears and when he hears the same mouths that disparaged you, in Jesus’ name will praise you. I pray that as the Lord is hearing your challenge that you also hear His voice, hear his solution, and embrace His answer, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points:

Simeon means hearing. God is hearing. The question is are you hearing God? The first voice of God you and I need to hear is His invitation to salvation. If you are not born again and have not received Jesus into your heart, may you hear Jesus today. He is inviting you to surrender your life to Him that He might write your name in the book of life so that you will have the right to live with Him eternally. To those who are already children of God manifesting sonship but experiencing challenges, thank God for the good news that the Lord is hearing. May He hear your groanings, your prayers and supplications, your challenges, your situations, and the voice of the enemy. May He respond to them all as you hear this message in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Levi: Joined with God


Reuben: Behold a Son