Wind of the Holy Spirit Blow Upon My Garden
Scripture Reading: Song of Solomon 4:16
“Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden and eat his pleasant fruits.”
Wind of the Holy Spirit Blow Upon My Garden
I pray in the name of Jesus that this will be a new season for you. I pray that everything that has held you in bondage, kept you bound, or kept you stagnant, divinely release you today to the glory of God in the name of Jesus.
This one verse is a prayer, a command, a prophecy, a stipulation, a decree, and it is the Word of God. May it work in your life in Jesus’ name. Pray in the name of Jesus, that the north wind and the south wind will blow upon the garden of your life, and that the spices of your life will flow out.
Do you know that there are many among us who have such lovely fragrances? Many lovely spices are encased and covered up because we have been wounded with the challenges and bondage of the enemy. Today, in the name of Jesus, I call upon the north wind to blow; I call upon the south wind to blow upon the garden of your life that the spices and fragrance of your life may flow out.
What are the spices of your life? They are the things that God has encoded in you that are meant to blossom and bring out the fragrance of blessedness, the fragrance of favour, the fragrance of your gifting. When the wind of the Spirit does not blow, the fragrances are there but they do not come out to bless. There are many people on earth who are waiting to experience the spices and fragrance of your life. But that fragrance, that spice will not come out without the wind of the Holy Spirit. You receive the wind of the Holy Spirit when you pray in the name of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will then come and take control. He will move over you and cause you to have that divine release. Every virtue in you will begin to surface because your giftings are not meant for you alone; they are meant for you to benefit others.
When there is a bloom, the fragrance comes out and the wind blows it and carries it around to all who are in that environment. Many people are talented intercessors, but the wind has not blown upon them. So they pray in the closet, not confident. They have not become intercessors yet; they are still crying about their own challenges. But I pray that the north wind and the south wind will blow the wind of the Holy Spirit so that the spices, the fragrance of intercession will come out and be a blessing to all.
If you have the gift of prophecy, then the spices will begin to flow out and you will become an encourager to other people. If you have the gift of teaching, then the spices will begin to flow out and you will give wisdom to other people. If you have the gift of help, then the spices will begin to flow out and a servant’s heart will come forth. Everyone has a gift that is different. God, who is the giver, has poured into your life gifts that will begin to flow out as the wind of the Holy Spirit blows in the name of Jesus.
The Word of God says, “Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south.” Is the wind of the Holy Spirit blowing in your life? Sin makes it dormant. Unbelief, discouragement, and prayerlessness prevents its flow. If you want to wake up the wind of the Holy Spirit upon your life, you need to say no to sin. You need to say no to prayerlessness and to everything that is contrary to the directives of the Lord’s commandments. I pray that the spices in the life of everyone today will begin to flow out in a new way. Then you can with boldness and confidence call upon the wind to blow upon the garden of your life: that the spices may flow out.
Prayer Points:
O precious Holy Spirit, blow upon the lives of your people. Awake and blow, O Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh upon your people. Let your wind blow again upon our lives in the name of Jesus, so that the spices and fragrance may flow out and not be inhibited. We pray the activation of our dormant giftings by the wind of the Holy Spirit will cause us to manifest amazing miracles and to be as the men described in Acts 4:16. Amen.