Deliverance From Foundational Bondages
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:17
“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
Deliverance From Foundational Bondages
Father God, I pray that your Spirit will give us the liberty, grace, deliverance, healing, transformation, and restoration to go to our next level in life. May we go from glory to glory, as it is your expectation for us in the name of Jesus.
How is it possible to go from glory to glory? It is possible because the power of the Highest will overshadow you. The Spirit of the living God that brings liberty will come upon you and set you free from every bondage, every shackle that is holding you down and causing difficulties in your progress. I pray today in the name of Jesus that every hindrance be removed. Father, I pray that the entrance of your Word give light, give healing, and give deliverance in the name of Jesus.
How do we go from glory to glory? We go from glory to glory by first being delivered from our foundational bondage and from everything that is holding us down and obstructing our progress.
How do we get delivered foundationally? Your foundational bondages are the bondages into which you were born. You had no control over them. For example, some of you may have been born into a family that was into idolatry. Be encouraged. Today is the day of deliverance from your foundational challenges because in the book of Judges we read of a man, Gideon, who was born into a family that was practicing idolatry. His father even had an altar to Baal, but God visited Gideon and said, “The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour,” Judges 6:12. Gideon could not understand that proclamation because all that Gideon knew about God was history; things he had been told that had happened in the past. He had no present experience of God. But God decided that Gideon would go from glory to glory and therefore God visited him. You may be saying, “I read the Word but I don’t have any practical experience.” God will visit you today and confirm to you that He is with you. He will show you clearly that He can deliver you from your foundational challenges. He can cause you to go from glory to glory because His thoughts toward you are for good.
Gideon raised up an altar to the living God and proclaimed Jehovah shalom, in Judges 6:24, and this is where we get the prayer “Jehovah Shalom, God is our Peace.” May God be your peace as you set up an altar in your heart to God, an altar of peace with God. Make peace with God and stop grumbling and complaining about your foundational challenges because your deliverance has come today.
Gideon set up the altar and then obeyed steps directed by the Lord to deliver his people from the Midianites. Gideon, who was from a poor family and was, in Judges 6:15, the least in his father’s house, had the whole of Israel saying to him “rule thou over us” by Judges 8:22. The man who had challenges in his foundation but overcame that evil foundation by the power of God manifest in his life, became the deliverer not only of his family, but also of his nation and generation.
Prayer Points:
I pray in the name of Jesus that the power of God will deliver you from every foundational challenge that may be obstructing your progress or making it difficult for you to go from glory to glory. I pray that you will become who you are meant to be in the name of Jesus.
Pray and say, “Spirit of the living God, overshadow every foundational challenge, every foundational power working against my breakthrough today, in Jesus’ name.” Amen.