Where art Thou?
Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:9
“And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU?”
Where art Thou?
I pray that as we look at the above passage it will have meaning for us personally and we will assess where we are and how we respond to the call of God. This story is found in Genesis 3:8-10: “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.” The Lord called unto Adam and He said unto him “where art thou?,” Genesis 3:9.
Bible verses are recorded, noted for us to apply in our time. They are beautiful for all situations in every generation. And today, God is calling you and asking that question, WHERE ART THOU? The call, Where art thou, is a call to examine where you are. God is calling you, Where art thou?
Where are you? And as Adam said, “I heard thy voice” many of us have heard His voice in the garden. And the voice of God has caused us to be in fear, as Adam said, “I heard thy voice and I was afraid.” Many hearing this message now have heard the voice of God calling them to order, to stop their evil ways, calling them to repentence, calling them to salvation, to service, to ministry and to eternal life. Calling!
Adam said he heard His voice but was afraid. Is fear the bondage that is causing you to delay your response to God? May God remove that fear from your life in Jesus’ name. He said I was afraid because I was naked. Is nakedness your bondage? Nakedness could mean that you are exposed, vulnerable and ashamed; you know your weaknesses. God sees us as we are.
The hiding is over. He is saying, “I know you, I know who you are, but where are you?” Where are you in relation to Me?
Come out of hiding, come out of religion, come into relationship, come into My garden, come talk with Me. Except we take time to examine ourselves, we will not know where we are nor where we will end up in eternity.
Prayer points:
Pray that God will show you where you are in every area of your life. Prayerfully examine yourself so you won’t be examined and found wanting. Have you received salvation? Have you answered the call? Pray that God give you the grace to respond to the “Where art thou?” call. Surrender your life to Him and ask that He forgive you and make you His child. As you respond may He cause your life to go from glory to glory so that you will spend eternity with Him. Amen.