Lively Hope
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 10:28 and 1 Peter 1:3–5
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” 1 Peter 1: 3.
Lively Hope
Do you have something you are hoping for from God? Is your hope lively or lifeless? Is your hope causing gladness in your heart or is it making you despair? The Christian hope is a hope that is accompanied with scriptural backing that makes for lively hope. It is only possible to experience a lively and glad hope when you trust the One in whom you have placed your hope. We place our hope in the Lord Jesus. Our Lord Jesus has by His resurrection and His Word assured us of a lively hope. For all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus. His death atoned for our sins and shortcomings, and His resurrection affirms and guarantees our entitlement to all His promises as He everliveth and is set at the right hand of God making intercession for us. He entitles us thereby to be partakers of a lively hope.
The hope of a child when a loving parent promises a desired gift at Christmas is accompanied by joy. The child repeats the promise so confidently and joyfully that many a parent have procured that gift, urged on and encouraged by the child’s joyful hope and undoubted expectation. If mortal parents are capable of loving their children like this, how much more will our loving heavenly Father assure that our lively expectation from Him will not be disappointed? Beloved, when we keep hope alive we will receive what we expect from God by the grace of God.
As affirmed above, lively hope must have scripture as its basis. Lively hope is the bridge that keeps us in faith until the realization of our expectations. And to keep our lively hope alive, we must ensure that we have a scriptural backing for our expectation, and when doubt assails, that word from God will be our anchor and will give us the grace to hold on until our hope is realized.
Prayer Points:
Pray that God will give you a true experience of lively hope and translate your hope into reality by granting you the desires of your heart according to His Word. Pray that the power of God will keep you through faith in Christ Jesus to behold in due time in glory your inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled and reserved for you which is the greatest hope of a true Christian.