A Tribute to the King
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
A Tribute to the King
Father God, we thank you for you are King of all the earth. You are our God forever and your mercies endure forever. Lord your understanding is infinite and you are mighty. Have your way in our lives, O Lord. Today we pay tribute to you, the King of our Kingdom. Lord Jesus you are our all in all and we glorify your holy name.
I pray that by God’s grace you will experience the reality of the Kingdom of God. May you become a citizen and understand the responsibilities and benefits of this priviledge.
Today, we focus on the attributes of our God, the King of the Kingdom. He is the King of all of the earth, and in talking to Him, you and I can say Lord, you are our God forever. You are beautiful, your mouth is most sweet, your head is as the finest gold, and you are the chief amongst ten thousand. Lord you are wonderful, you are the counsellor, you are the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, and there is no end to your government and your peace. Lord Jesus, you are the God of my Salvation. You are the spirit of wisdom and understanding. You swallow up death in victory. You are wonderful in counsel, Lord, and excellent in working. May you do your excellent work and counsel us in excellent manner in Jesus’ name.
Lord Jesus, you are the Word, and you are the Lord. You are the mighty one of Jacob, the God who hears and answers, the field marshal who is always victorious. You are El-Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, and Jehovah Shammah, our ever-present God. You are the creator and the custodian of all secrets. You are Holy Lord, you are jealous, you are omnipotent and omnipresent, the restorer of life, the deliverer, the redeemer of souls, the God of wisdom, the covenant keeper. Lord Jesus, there is no one like you who keeps covenant with your children, who love you for thousands of generations in love and faithfulness. Great is your faithfulness for you are our God in heaven, the ruler of all the kingdoms. You are a fighter and you are fighting for us.
We thank you because you do great things that no one can understand. You are light, the commander of the morning, perfect in knowledge, excellent in power and judgment. You are just, you can do all things, your name is excellent in all the earth, your name is over everything under the heavens. Lord Jesus, your attributes are innumerable but today we want to say to you that you are gracious, slow to anger, and great in kindness.
I pray today Lord, that if anyone is being spoilt by the spoiler that you will strengthen the spoilt in Jesus’ name. You are the owner of the Kingdom, the one who spares life, pardons iniquity, passes by the transgression of your remnant, and a stronghold in the day of trouble. You are the owner of silver and gold, O Lord. You are a wall of fire around your own.
Father, you are the glory in the midst of your people, the Lord of hosts, and the Lord that changes not.
Father, we glorify you for you are the Lord God who is gracious, longsuffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving, the God of all possibilities, and our Father who art in heaven. You are the author of our lives, the lover of the world, the custodian of eternal life, the Ancient of Days, and you have the power to heal. You are the opener of hearts, the one who raises the dead, the God of all hope, the Father in whom is all things. You are the one who delivered us from so great a death, who does deliver and will yet deliver.
Father, we thank you for the unspeakable gifts you give. You are the supplier of all our needs. You are the one who calls, the one who recompenses tribulation to all our troublers, the inspirer of all Scripture. You are our God and you are a consuming fire. You are the God who gives liberally, has excellent glory, destroys the works of the devil, keeps us from falling and presents us faultless. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the one who is, who was, and is to come, the Almighty. Your eyes are a flaming fire and your feet are like fine brass in a burning furnace. You are the first and the last; you are alive forevermore.
I want to encourage you by affirming that the attributes of the King of the Kingdom, our Lord Jesus Christ are inexhaustible. Praise and thank Him today. What do you want God to be?
That is what He is to you. Do you need a provider? He is the provider. Do you need a healer? He is the healer. Do you need a deliverer? He is the great deliverer. The attributes of the King of our Kingdom are innumerable.
Internalize the truth that He is sufficient for every situation. Submit to His Kingdom and call Him Lord, for He is worthy of our praises, allegiance, service, and lifelong commitment. He is the giver of eternal life and all that means anything to us. He is the only one that is valid, the only one who lasts when everyone else is gone.
Prayer Points:
I encourage you to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. I pray that you enter into the Kingdom and glorify and praise God; that His name will be magnified in your life; that you will be who He sent you to be. Pray the grace to proclaim the attributes of our king in your generation in Jesus’ name, Amen.