Time and Chance
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 9:11
“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”
Time and Chance
Solomon, in his wisdom, said, “The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong ….” It is not how swift you are or how strong you are, or how wise or how great in understanding you are, not even how skillful you are, but the fact is that time and chance, timing and opportunity happen to us all. The encouraging point is that our God controls time and chance.
Testimonies abound in the lives of Christians that confirm the reality of the effect of timing and opportunity in facilitating sudden breakthroughs and blessings.
Our God controls the release of opportunities to each life. He also controls the timing of everything in each life. We all need timing and opportunity to continually happen favourably to us. We need to know that opportunity happens suddenly and we really need to seize the moment, and break through to our next level of faith in life. The only way a Christian can recognize and be ready when time and chance present themselves is by being filled with the Holy Spirit, by being sensitive to the leading and instruction of the Holy Spirit. God’s desire is that in all areas we take full advantage of perfect timing and favourable opportunities, because the opportunities we take advantage of cause us to be blessed and enable us to be a blessing to other people. He wants us to be a blessing, a name, and a praise. This is a high level of promotion and only God can cause this to happen.
Prayer Points:
Pray that God will increase your sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pray that you will never miss out on favourable timing and opportunity again. Pray a prayer that will effect a revolution in your life because of the revelation in today’s passage. Pray that from today forward in the name of Jesus, our God who is the director of time and chance will cause time and chance to work favourably for you. Ask God to give you the favour of divine opportunity and perfect timing. Solomon made a crucial point in saying that time and chance happen to us all, so whether you are conscious of it or not, it is happening to you even now. Pray that God will tune up your spirit man to be always sensitive to God- appointed opportunities and timing. Confess that you will never miss God’s timing and opportunity again in your life in Jesus’ name. Amen.