Heal Her Now
Scripture Reading: Numbers 12:13
“And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee.”
Heal Her Now
Is there someone for whom you need to intercede in prayer? Is someone you know suffering from the weight of ill health? Is there a perception that the condition was brought about by the person’s actions or inaction? As in Miriam’s case in the book of Numbers, is the loved one in deserved affliction? Or, is the person suffering from the normal discomforts of the
ailment, and in need of ease for a diseased body, soul, or spirit?
Forget about the analysis of the cause; cry out as Moses did for Miriam: “Heal her now.”
Miriam and Aaron, Moses’ older siblings, criticized Moses for having a foreign wife; and they questioned his authority. God heard their criticism and punished Miriam by allowing her to suffer with leprosy. However, the leader’s loving heart in Moses cried to God and requested healing in the immediate: “Heal her now.” This is an example of how we should intercede without condemnation, even for people who have treated us wrongly. The Lord Jesus commands us to pray even for those who have despitefully treated us. Moses cried to God to heal Miriam now and her healing came, albeit seven days later according to the design of God. In Exodus 15:21, Miriam later became the leader of the women of Israel who sang about the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt.
We need to take time to pray for the sick, either by visitation or simply by remembering them in our prayers and requesting healing in the name of Jesus. Our Lord said the signs that follow His believers include the grace to pray for the sick, that they recover. May we, by His grace, pray for the faith to pray for the healing of others and ourselves in intercession and as we perform this sacred duty, the Lord who promised to answer our prayers will respond positively, in Jesus’ name.
Prayer Points:
Ask the Lord for a healing ministration on every ailing body, soul, or spirit you know including your own. Pray for the Church of God worldwide and ask for healing in the body of Christ. Ask the Lord Jesus to heal his Bride (the Church) now. “Heal her now, O Lord.” Pray that the Lord will heal you from every plague and snare that rebellion and criticism have caused in your life. Pray for a clear manifestation of the healing miracles you requested in the name of Jesus. Amen.