Overcome Curses
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 26:2
“As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.”
Overcome Curses
God in His mercy and justice has issued a decree that the curse causeless shall not come. This means it does not matter what curses are being issued and programmed to operate in a human life, if the person does not give it a cause or a basis by sinning, the curse will not affect him. This means all curses that are issued contrary to the settled Word of God, all curses that are issued out of malice, resentment, and evil motivation to the innocent person are rendered ineffective, null and void; of no consequence by the Word of God.
It is refreshing that the Lord always sets a standard against the works of the enemy. However, we can expose ourselves to curses by doing things contrary to the protective Word of God. But even then we can pray for a release by confessing and forsaking the sin and pleading the blood of Jesus upon our lives to cleanse us from all sin and its consequences.
The blood is so crucial to life. It is the oil and essence of life. And for Christians, the powerful, wonder-working, yoke- destroying, enemy-defeating, sin-cleansing blood of Jesus is the most essential defense weapon. The Bible says the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel, Hebrews 12:24. It speaks victory over the enemy in our lives, “and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony,” Revelation 12:11. Today, let us apply the blood of Jesus into our lives beyond salvation and atonement for our souls. Let us use it to receive victory over curses by praying these prayers:
I soak my life in the blood of Jesus and apply the blood of Jesus upon the doorpost of my home and life, and upon the lives of all the members of my family.
I cleanse my blood with the blood of Jesus, and use it to remove every infirmity, every blood ailment and parasite, high cholesterol, sugar diabetes, and the like. I clean them from my blood by applying the powerful cleansing blood of Jesus.
I overcome every conflict in my life with the blood of Jesus. Let the powerful blood of Jesus explode on the face of every dark power, pursuer, and oppressor of my life.
Let the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every curse and stubborn mountain in my life.
I stand on the platform of the blood of Jesus and proclaim victory over sin, curses, satan and his agents, and the world system, in the name of Jesus.
Today, thank God for His redeeming love. Plead the blood of Jesus upon every area of your life. Declare that the curse causeless shall not come. Beloved, let us overcome curses by the blood of Jesus.
Prayer Points:
I pray and cancel every curse that may be influencing me by offenses committed knowingly and unknowingly and I pray that the negative effects of the sins of omission and commission be forgiven and cast out of my life permanently. I place the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus between me and every curse, spell, or enchantment in the name of Jesus. I believe that the one whom the Son has set free is free indeed. I am free in the name of Jesus, for at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. Amen.