Greet God and Ask for a New Mouth
Scripture Reading: Luke 21:15
“For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.”
Greet God and Ask for a New Mouth
Greet God today by saying from the depth of your heart, “Precious Lord Jesus, good morning.” To the “I Am” who was before Abraham, say, Good morning. To the one who has yesterday, today, and tomorrow in His hands, say, good morning. To Emmanuel, bright morning star, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, say, I greet you. To the rose of Sharon, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Alpha and the Omega, the brightness of the glory of God, the Prince of Peace, the balm of Gilead, the heir of all things, my Saviour, say, I praise you. To the wonderful one, the Redeemer, the great shepherd of the sheep, the destroyer of death, the King of kings who loves me, say, I worship you. To the lily of the valley, the one who never forsakes, the one who loves to the end, to my Jesus who never fails or changes, say, hallowed be thy name, and blessed be thy name forever and ever in my life. Amen.
Great and special greetings are very effective. One morning a nephew of mine came in to say good morning to me but I was kneeling by the bed and my head was bowed in prayer. He kept saying, “Aunty Nene, good morning” over and over but did not get a response from me. Then, being the innocent toddler that he was, he climbed up on the bed and touched my face to get my attention. He then repeated his good morning greeting. I had to look up and acknowledge his greeting. All he wanted was to greet me. This has earned him a soft spot in my heart to this day.
The most effective way to ask for a new blessing from God is to honour Him with what He has already given you. You have a mouth, but you need a better one, so use your lips to greet the Lord today. Could you use a new mouth filled with irresistible wisdom? Luke 21:15 says that Jesus has promised to give you a new mouth and wisdom. Have you ever been tongue-tied, trying to communicate the gospel knowing what you need to say in your spirit but have trouble getting out the words? Do you effectively communicate in wisdom?
Jesus is aware of all our personal inadequacies and provides adequately for them in His Word to us, if only we believe and activate them by mixing it up correctly with faith. Father God, I ask in the name of Jesus that my life praise you, my words praise you, my tone praise you, my thoughts praise you, and my deeds praise you. Father, in Jesus’ name, make me a profitable servant with the grace to glorify you wherever I go.
Prayer Points:
Pray that you resemble Jesus and remind people of Jesus. Ask the Lord today to bless you with a new mouth, a new tongue, to eliminate every lisp in your utterances. Pray that God will eliminate every spirit of misunderstanding and miscommunication from your words. Pray for the anointing of wisdom from the Lord Jesus who is all-wise and who has promised us today that He will give us a wisdom that will be irresistible.
Ask and receive by faith the gift of irresistible wisdom in your speech. Pray that all your adversaries in all your communications to friends and foes alike will not be able to contradict your utterance. Ask that the living waters of God flow over your soul. Pray that the Holy Spirit will take immediate control of every situation that is troubling your mind and spirit, and roll all of your cares and burdens onto Jesus. Call on the Father, call on Jesus, call on the Holy Spirit to bless you today. Amen.