God of Exceptions and Wonders

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 8:18
“Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.”

God of Exceptions and Wonders

The Prophet Isaiah is proclaiming that people should watch out.

They should watch out because he is for signs and wonders, and the children whom the Lord has given him are for signs and wonders.

What is a sign? What is a wonder? A sign is an “outward token” that has spiritual significance, and a wonder is described as an exceptional miraculous work.

Isaiah and his sons were noted for signs and wonders just as Jesus and His disciples were noted for signs and wonders. Are you and your children for signs and wonders? Your children not only refer to your physical children, but also to the fruits of your labour, spiritually, socially, ministerially. Are you and those who concern you for signs and wonders? The Lord wants you, as His disciple, to be for signs and wonders. A disciple of the Lord follows the disciplines and guidelines of the Lord Jesus in His Word. When you follow His disciplines and guidelines, He has given the assurance that greater works than He did shall you do, John 14:12.

The Lord specializes in making exceptions for His people. The sun stood still and the moon stayed for Joshua until the people had avenged themselves, Joshua 10:13. God made an exception for Joshua and nature had to adjust to His convenience. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were not consumed by Nebuchadnezzar’s fire because the Lord made an exception for them and made them a wonder, Daniel 3:26.

Daniel was not eaten by the lions because God intervened, Daniel 6:27. Joshua walked through Jordan because of divine exception, Joshua 4:17,18. The Lord God of hosts made an exception for Sarah. The biological time clock requirement was overruled, and she conceived and gave birth in old age, Genesis 24:36. Mary conceived Jesus without knowing a man by exceptional divine conception, Matthew 1:20. He made an exception for Esther and she saw the king without an invitation, Esther 4:11. The scepter was extended to her and her life was saved, Esther 5:2.

There are so many examples in the Bible where God Almighty made exceptions for men and women of faith. Is there any area or matter in your life where you want God to make an exception? Do you believe that God can make an exception for you and grant you a very special favour today? Do you want the Lord to make an exception for you and make you a wonder?


Prayer Points:

My Father and my God, I ask that you make an exception for me in every area of impossibility in my life and cause me to overcome all that hinders my progress. Lord, grant me favour and anointing to manifest signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. Remove from my being, dear Father, the mindset that blocks out signs and wonders, and help me to walk perpetually in the realm of the miraculous. I pray for the grace to expect and experience a miracle every day. Lord, bless your children spiritually and biologically with the grace of manifesting signs and wonders from the Lord of hosts. Amen.


Greet God and Ask for a New Mouth


Encourage Yourself in the Lord