Calling His Names

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:6

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Calling His Names 

Father God we need you now. O Holy Father, in your mercy, breathe upon us anew. Let the fragrance of your favour, the fragrance of your blessedness be our portion in the name of Jesus. Let your Word come through to your people today. Let them be encouraged by your Word, O Lord; be magnified and glorified in Jesus’ name.

Beloved, this passage is talking about our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you accepted this Son that God has given? Have you accepted that Jesus Christ was born as a child, given to us as the Son of God, and in His sacrifice we receive atonement by His shed blood? Do you believe that He is in charge of governing your life? For the Word of God says, “the government shall be upon his shoulder.”

Today, I want us to dwell on His name. The Bible says, “and his name shall be called Wonderful.” First of all, I want us to focus on the calling of His name, because when we call Him Wonderful, our lives become filled with wonders. For those who need counsel and do not know what to do, the Word of God says that His name is Counselor, and as you call Him Counselor, He will give you proper counsel.

The Word of God says He is also called The Mighty God. You need the intervention of God in your life. There are certain things that only God can do, and He offers divine intervention. Call Him The Mighty God and He will come and do mighty things in your life. Maybe you are at that place now where you just need a father. Maybe your earthly father has passed on or you do not have a father figure in your life. Call Him Everlasting Father and He will be your Father forever. When the world around you is troubled, you need peace. Call Him The Prince of Peace, and He will bless your life with His peace beyond understanding. Blessed be God for He has provided for all of our needs. Beloved, today I want you to call on the name of Jesus and experience the blessings in His names.

Prayer Points:

Lord Jesus we are calling on your names. Come and pour your wonders into our days, for your name is Wonderful.  Come and do wonderful things in the lives of your children. Lord Jesus, counsel us for we do not know our right from our left. O Lord Jesus, come and counsel us for your name is Counselor. The man of the world is oppressing us in all kinds of situations and we need you Mighty God. Come and show your might in every area where the storms of life are raging.

Lord God Almighty, come and intervene.

Many have lost their earthly fathers and there is a vacuum of fatherhood in the world. Everlasting Father, the Father who does not die, come and manifest your everlasting fatherhood in our lives to the glory of your holy name. Lord your Word says that you are The Prince of Peace, so we are calling on you to bring peace in the midst of our storms.   Every storm that is raging, O Prince of Peace, bring peace in your name we pray.

Today these prayers are valid to those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. If you have not given your life to Jesus pray with me, “Dear Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Come and reign in my life and do wonderful things. Counsel me, Lord, and manifest your might on my behalf Mighty God. Manifest your everlasting fatherhood in my life and bring me your peace, my Prince of Peace, Amen.”


Wash You


Let Your Presence Go With Us