Let Your Presence Go With Us

Scripture Reading:  Exodus 33:14

“And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”

Let Your Presence Go With Us 

Beloved, when the Presence of God goes with you and the anointing of God is in you, He goes with you everywhere you go, and you will have His rest.

Beloved the Presence of God, the anointing of God in your life will make all the goodness of God pass before you and the name of God will be proclaimed before you.  God in His mercy will be gracious to you. To have the name of the Lord proclaimed before you means when you are seen, there are divine outriders in front of you proclaiming the Presence of God in your life. Moses experienced this in Exodus 34:5, “And the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord.” Verse 6 says, “And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Yes, this is the nature and name of God, the recognition of God that will go with the anointed one. Beloved, do you want to be anointed? Do you desire that wherever you go, the name of the Lord will be proclaimed before you? When the name of the Lord is proclaimed before you, no devil can stand; that is why Moses required it.   He said I cannot go except you go before me.

When the presence of God goes with you to any location, first of all, the Lord is proclaimed! Can you imagine going into the enemy’s territory and having the spiritual trumpet of the living God proclaimed because you are the anointed one? All the demons in hell will begin to tremble because the Lord is there. That means that the trumpet sounds and says, “the Lord God” and then says, “merciful,” and that means anything that the enemy would want to accuse you of, the name of the Lord Merciful is put there and Mercy will say “No!” to every plan of the devil. When people begin to consider your merit and say you do not qualify for this glory, the name of the Lord will sound as Gracious.  You see, mercy withholds from you the evil you deserve and grace releases to you the good you do not deserve. God in the proclamation of His name before His anointed proclaims clearly that “I am merciful and I am gracious.” And when your imperfections show up, His name is proclaimed as Longsuffering. And when the lack in terms of your provision is mentioned the name of the Lord is proclaimed as Abundant in Goodness and Truth.  Yes, the Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Wherever truth comes, liberty is a reality. When the name of the Lord is proclaimed before you as Abundant in Goodness, that means abundance in prosperity, wealth, and provision.  If anything wants to accuse and hold you in bondage with your sinful past, God comes and proclaims Truth is my name and the knowledge of Truth sets the captive free.

Prayer Points:

O Father God, I pray that you will give us an appreciation of your anointing, that from today we will guard the anointing as precious, that we will let nothing drain our oil. The things that grieve the Holy Spirit, dear Lord give us the grace not to do anymore so your Presence will go with us everywhere we go. I pray that your name will be proclaimed before your children as Lord, the Lord God, Merciful and Gracious, Longsuffering and Abundant in Goodness and Truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquities and transgressions and sins. O Father God Almighty, let your Presence go with us.

If you are not born again, surrender your life to Jesus. Receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Receive the anointing so that the goodness and the name of the Lord shall go before you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Calling His Names


Journey of the Beloved Bride of Christ 3