Fresh Oil I
January 1
Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 4:6
“And it came to pass, when the vessels were full that she said unto her son, bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, there is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest.”
Fresh Oil I
God wants you to be encouraged today. He is with you. No matter where you are right now, no matter how you feel at this moment, God loves you. Beloved, what we all need today is “Fresh Oil.” We all need a fresh anointing, a new enablement, and a new ability to do the things we ought to do for God and for ourselves this year.
The woman in today’s reading had a problem; the creditor had come, her children were about to be taken as bondmen because she didn’t have the resources to pay her debts. Thank God she met the man of God who asked what resources she did have. What she had was just one pot of oil. Elisha told her to get more vessels and pour from that one pot into as many vessels as she could. As she kept pouring, the oil kept flowing, until there were no more vessels to fill. This woman had one remaining pot that was waiting to be poured out. By getting more vessels, she created capacity to receive more oil supernaturally and it is noteworthy that as long as she had vessels to pour into, the oil kept flowing. The prophet told her to sell the oil, pay off her debts and live off the rest.
Beloved, we all have that pot of oil that is waiting to be poured out so we can get fresh oil. We are physically alive today and we give thanks to God for the priviledge, but we need new zeal in our spirits for the new year. How do we get fresh oil when we feel dry spiritually? The only way to get fresh oil is to begin to use the little oil we have; the oil of the anointing of God in us. Beloved, you may be saying today, “I’m not even sure I have a pot of oil.” You do. That pot of oil represents the anointing of the Holy Spirit that came into your life when you accepted Jesus. That oil in you is waiting to be poured out. As you begin to pour out into vessels that are all around you, you will experience that anointed flow of the Holy Spirit.
May God give you the grace to appreciate the truth that you have a pot of oil in your being, in your spirit. Pour it out by faith in love and service to your family, your friends, your neighbors, your church, your nation. Yes, beloved, pour out that oil in you; your unique gifts and abilities by the grace of God. Serve with your gifts today and exceed conventional expectations, go the extra mile and as you pour out you will get fresh oil for the new year.
Prayer Points:
Father God, I ask you this day to give us a revelation that the pot of oil, that seal of the Holy Spirit in us, is waiting to be poured out in prayer and worship. Father God, we want to see you, to see your power, to experience you. Holy Spirit, you are the oil; you are the oil that increases as we pour you out. Give us the grace to pour out love, so that more love will come to us. Give us the grace to pour out peace, so that more peace will come to us. Give us the grace to pour out patience, so that more patience will come to us. Give us the grace to pour you out, Holy Spirit. Give us the grace to be effective for you in all that we do. We want to see Jesus more and more in our lives. We want more power, more love, more of you in our lives.
Father God, the dry place is no place for your children. We pray that you pour fresh oil upon our lives and give us the wisdom and the grace to receive it. We pray that you pour a fresh anointing upon our churches, O Lord. We pray in the name of Jesus that everywhere that is dry, everywhere that is dormant, everywhere that is depleted will begin to experience your fresh oil today in the name of Jesus.
Father God Almighty, we pray concerning leakages in the vessels of our oil of service to you. We pray that the Holy Spirit will move right now and seal those holes in our spiritual vessels that are draining the anointing in our lives. O Lord, give us the grace to worship you, to read your Word, pray, and be worthy vessels of your anointing in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.