The State of Your Mind

Scripture Reading:  Romans 12:2

“And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God.”

The State of Your Mind

May we see anew, may God renew our mind. God says, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

The mind is like a working machine and in real life all working machines need some overhauling, some fine-tuning, or maintenance from time to time. As with all things, the most competent servicing a mind can get is from its original manufacturer. God is the manufacturer of your mind. Tell the Lord today that your mind needs renewal. He is the only one qualified to renew it. His Word can renew your mind.  Take your mind to God and ask Him to heal it, to wash it, and to make it think pure thoughts. Do not take your mind to a fix-all technician or to a psychoanalyst or to a manmade system or counselor. Though they try, they cannot service your mind accurately. Only God can overhaul, service, and fine-tune your mind.

Today, let us take the counsel of the Word of God.  Let us read the Bible. You know that the Word of God is a powerful mind transformer. Pray that God will erase from your mind everything that is not of Him, in the name of Jesus, that you will begin to see anew.

Beloved, what is the state of your relationship with God? Is it blissful or is it lethargic? Get into that place of intimacy with God. As with any union, only the participants know the true state of the union; and the state of your union with God can only be settled and perfected in your mindset.  That is why each of us needs to renew our mind. In many ways our relationship with God can be likened to a marriage: only the married couple knows the minutest details of the union, what aspects are joyful and happy and what changes need to be made for improvement in the relationship. But, in the unique union with God, there are certainties because God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; but we change and we can change for the better.

Prayer Points:

Lord, I want to have an intimate relationship with you. I want you to give me the oil that will enable me to be close to you.

Give me the grace to be close to you, the grace to walk with you. Give me the grace to be sensitive to you. O Father God, renew my mind in the name of Jesus. You know the battles raging in my mind. You know the things that harass me. You know my sitting and my uprising. O Father God, in your mercy, let your peace, O Prince of Peace, drown every trouble fired at my mind in the name of Jesus.

Lord, let your peace like a river come into my soul. Give me a fresh anointing, a Fresh Oil of peace over my mind; let it drown everything troubling my mind. Lord God Almighty, I pray that you cause doubt to die in my mind and perfect the state of my mind in the name of Jesus. Amen


The Thoughts of God


Bringing Forth Emmanuel