Challenges of the Christian Super Culture
Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:19-21
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,” Galatians 5:19.
Challenges of the Christian Super Culture
The greatest challenge to the super culture of Christianity in our generation is set out in Galatians 5:19-21. These verses identify the flesh as the greatest challenge. When we call ourselves Christians but do that which brings reproach to the kingdom of God then our culture is contrary to the Christian super culture.
Another challenge can be found in our subculture. A subculture is the culture that we operate within a main culture, that is different from, independent of, and diffuses the effects of the main culture. A subculture Christian today, usually, has a pre-Christian culture with the manifestation of our flesh, which neutralizes the Christian super culture in our life. You see the Christian super culture is a force of its own. The Ten Commandments, whether we pull it down from our courthouses or take it out of our schools, does not nullify its power. It exists because it is the foundation of the super culture. It is a force of its own. When we walk in the flesh or when we practice our subculture, there are disadvantages. Number one is a natural estrangement and disconnect from the super culture and its benefits. When we practice our subcultures and work in our flesh, it short-circuits the blessings that would have flowed into our lives from the super culture of Christianity. The truth is, though nobody comes to say you have lied, you are punished because the Christian’s super culture is a self-enforcing culture. When you lie you feel guilty and your prayer life changes. When you go against the fruit of the Spirit as a Christian you sense it and then you feel condemnation in yourself.
So, walking contrary to the super culture short circuits your blessings and downgrades your relevance to the main culture. When you practice your subculture of sin, walking in the flesh and keeping traditions and attitudes from your past that are contrary to the Christian super culture, beloved you expose yourself to danger and you lose the anointing, the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to enjoy the assets of the super culture. Elijah asked the question in his time, “how long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God follow him,” 1Kings 18:21. If Christianity is your culture live it out as a normal life and drop your sub-culture.
Prayer Points:
May God give us the grace to overcome our flesh, in the name of Jesus, that the works of the flesh will not shortchange us in our Christian walk, that the attitudes that we bring our subcultures will not short circuit us from enjoying the blessings of Christianity in its super culture. O Lord help us today. Help us to take away everything that is a subculture working against the Christian super culture in our lives.
If you have never given your life to the Lord say, “Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. I want to leave the works of the flesh and walk in the Spirit that I will not fulfill the lust of my flesh. Bless me with your Holy Spirit.”
If you are already a Christian but know your flesh rules you, you know your subculture; it is what makes you operate.
Today, in the name of Jesus, I pray for divine deliverance from every subculture that is contrary to the super culture of Christianity in the life of all who desire to really walk with God and prosper, and enjoy the privileges and assets of the super culture called Christianity, in the name of Jesus. Amen.