Raise Us Up

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 4:14

“Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.”

Raise Us Up

Father God Almighty we pray that you raise us also, that you revive us again. Blessed be God! The Word of God also says, “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you,” Romans 8:11. Yes, He that raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also.

In the previous devotion we talked about deliverance from the grave. Yes, God means business about this topic. He wants us to come out of our grave, to be raised up again, and the Word of God confirms it.

What needs to be raised up in your life is what is lying down that should be standing up. What needs to be raised up in your life is what is at a lower level that should be at a higher level.

What needs to be raised up is what is being humiliated, what is being cast down, what is being brought down to the ground. God is going to raise it up today in Jesus’ name. What needs to be raised up is what is being troubled that needs to be raised above the trouble. What needs to be raised up is what has fallen. Everything that has gone from glory to shame needs to be raised up. Our expectations from God should be raised up. Our spirit man needs to be raised up.  Many of us are depressed, confused, and overwhelmed. God is saying today that the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead will raise us up today. I pray for a divine revival, a divine raising up by the living God of His people who are crying out to Him.

He who raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also to the glory of God.  Beloved, Jesus can do this for us because He has gone through all that we are going through. Because He went through it He can empathize. The Holy Spirit raised him up and I say to you today that the same Spirit is here to raise you up in all areas where you need to be raised up. If you used to pray before and now you cannot pray at all, don’t worry; you’ll be raised up today.  Your prayer level will be raised up.

If you used to give praise before, but there is now no song in your spirit, God will pour a new song in your spirit today because the same Spirit that raised our Lord Jesus Christ from all that I described will raise you up today. Yes, because He is able to deliver you from the curse.

Give your life to Jesus. Walk with Him in a new way and you will find out that you will be raised up. Let not your enemy rejoice that you are lying down, that you have fallen because God will raise you up according to His Word.

Prayer Points:

O Father God Almighty, I lift up your people before you today. Lord, let your Spirit be poured out without measure into all of our lives. I pray that the Holy Spirit that raised you up Lord Jesus, will quicken our mortal bodies.

Lord, there are many who are oppressed by sickness that they cannot even describe, sickness of the body, sickness of the spirit, sickness of the soul. O Lord, I pray for divine healing. Let that spirit quicken our mortal bodies.  O Lord by your Spirit that dwells in us let our mortal bodies be quickened, let our spiritual man be revived. Lord, I pray again that you be glorified and magnified in all of our lives according to your Word. Let us be raised up also to the glory of your holy name, in Jesus’ name.

God will restore to you your stolen glory. God will restore to you everything that has been put down that should be up. Expect that miracle from the living God.

But if you have never at any time given your life to the Lord Jesus, this discussion is for those who have His Spirit. If you need the Spirit of God, pray with me today and say, “Dear Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. I surrender my life to you and ask that you write my name in the book of life, that you pour out your Spirit into my life, that my mortal body be quickened again, that my spirit man also will be revived to the glory of your holy name. Amen.”  May God bless you. God has a great plan for your life. Do not be discouraged. Look up; help is here. God will answer your prayers. Pray to Him, read your Bible, worship Him, and He will raise you up. Amen.




Deliverance from the Grave