Build Up the Gates II
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 3
“After them repaired Zadok the son of Immer over against his house. After him repaired also Shemaiah the son of Shechaniah, the keeper of the east gate,” Nehemiah 3:29.
Build Up the Gates II
Nehemiah’s eighth gate is the east gate. The east gate is where the King of Glory Himself will come in. This gate is built last, because when all the other gates are built the east gate will be revealed and there, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, will enter. The sun rises from the east, and that is the gate that invites Jesus to come in once all the other gates have been built up.
Seek out the coming of Jesus. Ask for the grace to build up the sheep gate, fish gate, old gate, valley gate, dung gate, fountain gate, and horse gate, so that the east gate will be built up and wide open for the Son of God to arise and pour His glory on those who have been working for Him.
Are you working for Jesus or are you just idle in the marketplace? I pray that God will give you the grace to connect to one of these ministries.
Will you connect to the sheep gate where you reach out to the flock, saving souls who need encouragement and exhortation? Are you rebuilding the fish gate through evangelism by catching fish for the Kingdom? Are you being called to the old gate where you work to raise old biblical standards by closing up back doors, repairing jagged edges, and fixing broken down standards that cause people to fall? Or, maybe your ministry is the valley gate where you reach out to people who are down, depressed, and have fallen in the valley? Could it be the dung gate where you reach out to the outcasts who are regarded as rejects in society and in the body of Christ? What can you do to raise up the fountain gate, to minister to ministers who pour out and need personal encouragement and support? Or will you rebuild the horse gate by moving out into the media to build the Kingdom? What will you do to help rebuild the gates in preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ through the east gate? Pray that God will give you the grace to build up the gates in any of these realms.
Prayer Points:
O Lord Jesus, I thank you. I thank you because you love me so greatly, Lord. What can I do that will give you pleasure?
Give me the grace to discern it in my generation. Make me a builder of the east gate to prepare my generation for your Second Coming. Anoint me with the grace of a kingdom builder. When you come to collect your people, remember me O Lord. If you have never given your life to Jesus pray and say, “Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Write my name in the book of life. Give me the grace to be one that is born again, filled with your Spirit and ready to lift up the gates that the King of glory will come in.” Amen.