He Opened the Rock
Scripture Reading: Psalm 105:41
“He opened the rock, and the waters gushed out; they ran in the dry places like a river.”
He Opened the Rock
Father, we thank you because you are an awesome God. You are the God who can make a way where there seems to be no way. You are the God who can make streams flow in the deserts of our lives.
For many people, there is a rock standing in the way of progress in their lives. Some are facing the rocks of spiritual dryness, confusion, or even lack. Others have been accused of something they never did and are facing the rock of false accusation. Still others are facing the rock of spiritual ignorance. That rock, that difficulty, may be a tremendous challenge for us, but not for our God: He has the ability to open rocks!
A rock is dry and hard. It has become a rock because moisture has been removed from it; it has become solid and strong, so it is difficult to break. But our awesome God has the key that causes the rock not to break, but to be opened. There is one major difference between breaking a rock and opening it: opening a rock is gentle treatment that causes the rock to bring forth its goodness, while breaking a rock smashes it into pieces. Only God who made the rocks has the ability to open the rock and cause waters to gush out.
Is there a rock obstructing your path today? Are you in a dry place? I have good news for you: I know the one who has the Master Key of David; He is the one who can shut doors so that no one can open them. He opens doors, even doors made of rock, so that no one can shut them. Do not ask me how, but
He does it. He not only opens the rock, but also causes the hard and dry places in your life to gush with living waters. This is such a nugget from the Word of God!
Prayer Points:
Our God is indeed an awesome God. If you do not know this awesome God, pray with me now, “Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. I confess and forsake my sins. Cleanse me from my sins with your blood and write my name in the book of life. Open the rocks in my life and cause them to gush out water that flows like a river into the dry places of my life.”
Father God, the rocks of life are too hard for us so we bring them before you. You not only know how to open the rock, but you can also cause it to bring forth water that flows into the dry places. O Lord Jesus, you are the Ancient of Days, the Rock of our salvation. You are the embodiment of wisdom.
Lord, we need to increase in wisdom. Open those rocks of spiritual ignorance so that we may have understanding of who we are and what we ought to be doing. Father God, you are the Most High. Be magnified in our lives for there is nothing you cannot do. Cause the rocks to be opened and let water flow from them like a river in the dry places.