I Am That I Am
Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:14
“And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.”
I Am That I Am
Great mercies! Everlasting kindness! Covenant of peace! Precious promises to the believers from no one less than the Almighty God; the one who pledges by no other name than “I Am.” He is not in our yesterday; His name is not “I was.” He is not in our worries about tomorrow; His name is not “I will be.” He is our ever-present God, “I Am That I Am.”
A very special poster carried a message that communicated the following: “when we worry about tomorrow, it is hard because our Lord Jesus is not “I will be.” When we worry about the past, it is difficult because our Lord is not “I was.” His name is ‘I Am.’ He is a very present help in trouble and He takes care of us day and night. He maintains us by providing for us breath by breath. He does not give us two days at once or two breaths at a time. He is “I Am.”
Is there a current matter in your life that you would like the Lord to address on your behalf? Is there any file that has been brought up now? He is ready to address it today. The Lord does not allow a file to be brought up in the life of His child except He is ready to deal with it. Just as the Lord addressed Mordecai’s situation in the book of Esther and caused the evil works of Haman who sought to destroy the Jews to be reversed, the Lord will intervene on your behalf.
Let our Lord God Almighty who is “I Am” be manifest in your present circumstances. Report all your present needs and matters to Him in prayer today. Ask the Lord God of the living to breath a new life into your spirit and cause a revival to happen in your life, in your Christian walk, in your ministry, in your work place, and in your family life. Let the Lord bring immediate relief to every burden and situation that is troubling your mind in the name of Jesus.
The Lord turns situations around for the better for those who seek Him. You may think you do not need to seek Him because there are no obvious adverse persecutors in your life, but we do not know much beyond our physical abilities. Nor do we know tomorrow. Let us seek God and put our lives into the hands of the Lord God Almighty who knows and holds tomorrow. He is the one who made and controls the stars and Orion. Let us seek Him with all our hearts for He said, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart,” Jeremiah 29:13.
He has encouraged us greatly in today’s passage. Let us therefore pray with the full assurance of faith in the name of Jesus our qualifier.
Pray for the grace to seek Him, the Lord God Almighty, the Ancient of Days, the Rose of Sharon, so that your name will be written in the book of life.
Command in the name of Jesus that any encirclement of any mysterious power of darkness over your life be broken and that you be set free forever.
Pray that you step into the light of the Lord, so that He will change your destiny for good forever.
Pray that you never deliberately decide to follow darkness.
Thank God for His numerous mercies upon your life. Ask Him for the experience of great mercies to be ever present in your life.
Ask for the priviledge of everlasting kindness to be your portion and the portion of your children forever.
Make confession that you are part of the covenant of peace through Jesus Christ and ask for the peace of God that passes all understanding to be real and permanent in your life.
Prayer Points:
Father God Almighty, we praise you today. You are our Jehovah Shalom, the God of our peace. Give us the grace to stay our hearts on you and may you give us your perfect peace in the knowledge that you are our great I Am always, in Jesus’ name. Amen.