Joseph: The Anointing for Increase

Scripture Reading: Genesis 30:22–24
“And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach: And she called his name Joseph; and said, The Lord shall add to me another son,” Genesis 30:23–24.

Joseph: The Anointing for Increase

God remembered Rachel, hearkened to her, and opened her womb, Genesis 30:22. The unfolding of the significance of the naming of the children of Israel is now at Joseph, meaning “increasing,” but the origin of increase is the remembrance of God. God remembered Rachel before the increase came.

God must first remember you before your increase can come. To be remembered means to be reconnected. When something is dismembered, it means the vital parts are in a state of disconnect and detachment. When you are re-membered, you are reconnected. In Rachel’s case, God remembered her and the issues she faced and in His solution He opened her womb, because there had been a constant cry in her heart for her womb to be opened. God had brought forth sons through her maid to Jacob but her day of remembrance finally came. Her reproach was taken away and she called his name Joseph and said the Lord shall add to me another son.

How can the anointing for increase come into our lives? The Holy Ghost must come upon you; the power of the Most High must overshadow you in order for the increaser to manifest in your life, for you to have the Joseph manifestation, the increaser’s manifestation. I pray that this will be your portion in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points:

How can you be reconnected to God? How can God hear you and open your womb of productivity? How can you conceive and bring forth a son? How can your reproach be taken away? How can the anointing for increase come into your life? The answer is that Jesus must be in your heart. If you have never given your life to Jesus, if you do not have the born-again experience, let Jesus come into your heart. If you are wise, harden not your heart; open your heart to Jesus. Let Him come in with the increaser’s anointing so that the anointing of increase will be your reality in the name of Jesus. Father, as many as have prayed the prayer of salvation, come into their hearts, I ask, and manifest the blessings of Joseph in all our lives. Amen.


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