The Greatest Gift

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:31
“But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.”

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift any man can have in this life is really what meets the greatest need in that life. We see in Genesis that Adam’s greatest need was a help-meet and when God brought woman out of him, he became satisfied. He called her “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh,” Genesis 2:23. Abraham said his greatest need was to have a child, and when Isaac was given to him, laughter came into his life, Genesis 15:2. Jabez’s greatest need was to be blessed, to enlarge his coast, to have God’s hand on him, and to be kept from evil, as seen in 1 Chronicles 4:10.

He was already blessed but God blessed him in all that he requested. May you be blessed indeed in the name of Jesus.

Today, I want to focus on man’s greatest need: salvation. And when God gave Jesus as the atonement, man’s greatest need was met. Have you received that greatest gift for your greatest need? When you receive the gift of Jesus, He blesses you with the salvation of your soul. He blesses you with the anointing, the enablement, and the power of the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth. When the Holy Spirit dwells in you, He will positively affect every area of your life. He will give you the ability to read the Word of God and obey it. He will make you fervent in spirit. Your prayer life will be effective. May this be your portion in Jesus’ name. A life without Jesus is lacking the greatest gift. A life without the Holy Spirit is a misled and ineffective life. The Holy Spirit blesses you with the fruit of the Spirit as revealed in Galatians 5:22–23 and the gifts of the Holy Spirit as taught in 1 Corinthians 12:4 –11.

I want to assure you that the greatest gift, your gift, makes room for you and allows you to stand before kings. Do you desire that gift? If you are not saved, you need to receive Jesus to get that greatest gift of salvation. If you are saved, pray along with me, “Holy Spirit, move in my life. Let there be light in my life to separate me from darkness in Jesus’ name.

Manifest open heavens over my life in the name of Jesus. Father God, pour out your Holy Spirit upon my flesh and let my gifting make room for me in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, you are the mountain mover. As you moved in Zechariah 4:6 where you said “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,” move in my life and move every mountain blocking progress in my life in the name of Jesus. When the Holy Spirit moves in a life, we know that it will be fruitful in all areas. So pray, “Lord, let your Spirit move in my life and let me be fruitful in the name of Jesus.”

Prayer Points:

Lord, pour out the oil of your Holy Spirit upon your people. Stir them to make the first move today toward their progress in the name of Jesus. Father God, let them experience new rays of your glorious light. Let the experience of greater light on their journey become a reality because they have received the greatest gift.

If you have never given your life to Jesus, pray with me now, “Lord, I want this greatest gift. I want the ability to be the best I can be all the time. I want the gift of the Holy Spirit, for your Word says that as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God. I surrender my life to you in Jesus’ name.” Amen.


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