A Saviour

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:7–20
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord,” Luke 2:11.

A Saviour

The Bible tells us in Luke 2:11 that a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, is born in the city of David. A Saviour who was born of the virgin Mary; the Saviour who was without sin and therefore qualified to save sinners. The one who can redeem has no need of redemption because He has no flaws. There is no man living who is flawless. But the Lord Jesus was without blemish, without sin, and He came by immaculate conception for one purpose: to save us from our sins and from destruction. A Saviour can bring salvation to any situation, and atone by paying the price for every sin. A Saviour must be invincible and have the ability to bring victory to your life. A Saviour must be omnipotent, having all power. A Saviour is one who has the ability to undertake any assignment and has the power of resurrection. A Saviour is one who embodies the following attributes and abilities:

Salvation Atonement Victory Invincibility Omnipotence Unquestionability Resurrection Jesus is the Saviour who offers this salvation. He has atoned for us, He has given us victory; He is invincible, He is omnipotent, He is unquestionable, and He is ready to resurrect us. His name is Saviour. He is worthy of our praises, adoration and worship; may we celebrate the significance of His birth with joy and thanksgiving to God. See Him in this light and it will bring salvation to your life in this season of His celebration.

Celebrate Him. Give Him all glory and honour. No wonder the shepherds went around praising and glorifying God for all the things that they had seen, heard, and were told.

Many have found Him to be the Saviour and He has brought salvation, atonement, victory, and His invincibility into their lives. He has manifested omnipotent power on their behalf and they know him as the unquestionable Saviour who is Christ the King of Kings!

I am in that number; are you in that number? Unwrap the greatest gift ever given; appreciate and celebrate him in a deeper revelation of His person, attributes and glory this Christmas.

Prayer Points:

If you are not born again pray with me now, “Lord Jesus, save me today as we celebrate your salvation and the reality of your coming to earth to save us from our sins. Atone for me, cleanse me from my sins, Lord, and manifest all the blessings of salvation in my life I pray.

Pray in Jesus Name that this will be your best Christmas celebration ever! Amen.


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