Upgrade Your Faith
Scripture Reading: Romans 4:21–22
“And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.”
Upgrade Your Faith
Father God, we thank you because you are drawing us closer to you through faith. The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please you Lord; therefore, we pray that you upgrade our faith in the name of Jesus.
Faith is the currency with which we relate to God and without faith there can be no positive relationship with the divine.
Romans 4:16 says, “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.”
To upgrade our faith we need to be able to believe that God is God. Many find it difficult to actively and truly believe God because they have not internalized His might into their mindset. Take time to think of God and in awesome wonder, consider all the works His hands have made. See the stars, hear the roaring thunder, that throughout the universe displays His power. Then let your soul testify to the greatness of the Lord. When we internalize the reality of the greatness of God it is easier to believe in Him. If I know that the God who made the heavens, thunder, and all things is the same God who is calling me to believe Him in faith, to believe Him for greater things than I believed yesterday, then it is easier to consider all things possible in Him.
Being too considerate of God can hinder our faith. A believing couple once visited me and asked, “Is there anything you want God to do for you between now and tomorrow so we can thank Him for it in the next twenty-four hours?” I responded, “I don’t really want to put God through that kind of pressure.” They, however, insisted, and I told them I needed a transaction to come through urgently. In my heart, if it had happened in two weeks it would have been a miracle.
They prayed, and God caused it to come through the next day! I was being considerate with God who did not need my consideration in that regard. Faith excites, incites, and provokes God to move on our behalf. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says that God is looking to and fro on the face of the earth, looking for those whose hearts are right toward Him. The way my heart can be right toward God is when I exercise faith, when I against hope believe in hope, when my faith is strong and I do not consider what is happening around me. Romans 4:19 says that Abraham did not consider his body even though it was about an hundred years old, nor the deadness of Sarah’s womb. If Abraham had been considerate he would not have had faith to conceive Isaac. Sometimes we consider our circumstances; we are too reasonable to be people of faith and that is our challenge. Abraham never doubted God. I pray that the Spirit that dissolves doubt will come upon you; that whenever doubts come into your mind concerning what God can do, a revelation of His power, might, and supremacy will overwhelm that doubt and your faith will be strengthened.
When you believe God, you will give Him glory. Some of us give ourselves glory; we say we accomplished things. Although our work is a ministry, we want to own it. If you are a servant, you are not the owner. Give your ministry and your service to the one who owns it so that He will show forth His might through your work. When a train runs on a rail, people admire it as it races by. But the train has to be on the track in order to move. The track that will make us move is unwavering faith that does not stagger at the promise of God, that is fully persuaded that what God promises He is able to perform.
Our faith is upgraded when we look into the Word of God, internalize His promises, and present them for perfection in our lives. All things then become possible. Upgrading our faith in essence means upgrading our belief in God. Many of us believe the gospel and preach it daily, but do we believe that God can do what He says He can do? Is what we believe God can do reasonable or beyond reasoning? If it is reasonable, if you can see the end result, you are not upgrading your faith.
Faith is upgraded when you begin to believe God for what only God can do. The faith that is persuaded is the faith that believes God is able to do what He has promised. I pray that God will bless you with this kind of faith today, that you will begin to exercise faith in new areas, that you make evident the reality of the love and ability of God not only in history but also in the present.
Prayer Points:
The first step to working in faith is to surrender your life to Jesus, accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. If you have never done this, pray and say “Lord Jesus I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Come and reside in me, that my walk will be of faith in Jesus’ name.” Amen.