Emerging as a Leader
Scripture Reading: Psalm 90:17
“And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.”
Emerging as a Leader
Father God, I thank you for your people for whom you have prepared a place to possess; a place of effective leadership in challenging times. We thank you because although we are facing a time of change, hostilities, agitations, loss, longing, emergency, and need, there is a God factor which causes leaders to emerge. We thank you for leaders who are efficient, who have the power for victory and excellence. Father, I ask today that you provide all that is necessary for your children to become effective leaders.
Besides the attributes of leadership and effectiveness and the ability to engage in challenging situations, we need to be at the right place at the right time. To emerge as an effective leader, you must possess your prepared place. You must be where God wants you to be, not where society thinks you should be, not where your ambition takes you, not where your pressures have placed you, but where God wants you to be.
Furthermore, you need to establish the work of your hands. Establish what work you were created to do and then establish that work to the glory of God. Additionally, you need to have an expanded mind. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,” Philippians 2:5. Our narrow minds have short- changed us for too long. Lord, expand our minds that we will think the way you think, see the way you see, and understand the way you understand. Father, this is not possible except that you give us the grace to attain all that is available from the atonement. Lord, we acknowledge that you died for us; you paid a great price for our liberty, salvation, redemption, revival, and restoration. You paid the ultimate price for us to be the best we can be.
To emerge as a leader, you must also attain all that is available from the atonement of Jesus, which guaranteed for us the priviledge of mercy and grace. Mercy is God withholding the evil you deserve. We need to advance from merit orientation to mercy orientation and from the realm of mercy to where we will begin to embrace God’s grace. Grace is God releasing to you the good things you do not deserve.
Once you have attained all that is available in the atonement, you will advance from merit orientation to mercy and grace, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will be your enabler; you will operate in the anointing. The Bible says the anointing breaks the yoke and when the yoke is broken you will live free of constrictions, and there will be no limitations in your relationship with God. You can relate with Him as someone who is in a divine romance. Some of us are relating to God through religion. It is possible to upgrade to divine relationship with God when the anointing of the Holy Spirit breaks down all your religious and denominational constrictions The Holy Spirit will give you the power to be set free from narrow and contrarian mind-sets and limitations. In this divine relationship, you will value your Bible more, practice biblical principles, and operate in the lifestyle of the great prophets of God. These prophets were empowered by the Holy Spirit, had an understanding of the atonement, operated with expanded minds, and were renowned in their gifting.
They were in the right place at the right time and operated without constrictions. They were divinely commanded, practiced biblical principles, and were the great and glorious.
In the league of the great and glorious, you will have a full life on earth and in eternity. When you live that lifestyle, God’s abundance will be made available to you. He said I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly John, 10:10. Some of us are operating in the realm of wealth. The difference between wealth and abundance is that wealth is measurable and abundance is immeasurable. Wealth is in the realm of man, but abundance is in the realm of God. Let us operate in the lifestyle of the great and glorious; let the abundance of God become our reality.
Affirm this principle for when you are in abundance as a leader, you will not be compromised, you cannot be bribed or bought; you will always stay in the path of the one who provides you the connection to the abundance of God. God owns abundance and only God admits people into that realm.
God is looking for leaders and they are emerging all over the world. The hallmark of God’s leadership is abundance. In the place of abundance, you will lead with effectiveness, because Jesus is real to you. You will have a relationship with Him and receive the rewards He awards. He has come that you might have life more abundantly and His thoughts towards you are of peace, not of evil to bring you to an expected end.
Prayer Points:
O gracious living God, let effective leaders emerge in our generation. We pray for your counsel in every realm. Do what only you can do in Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Father, I thank you for your amazing grace and your excellent loving-kindness. Have your way in our lives I pray in Jesus’ name.
If you have never given your life to Jesus, pray with me, “Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Write my name in the book of life and make me born again. Give me the born-again experience that I will live that life abundantly and be effective as a leader in your purpose for my life.” Amen.