Healing Virtues
Scripture Reading: Malachi 4:2
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”
Healing Virtues
Virtue is an effective force or power. In addition to being potent it has to be effective. Something that is effective is efficient, and it is formed to engage, treat, or invigorate a condition to victory and excellence. Therefore, healing virtue in essence is a force, a power that is designed to engage a condition and heal it. So if you are sick in your body, soul, and spirit, making contact with healing virtue will bring about restoration in your health. I pray that this will be your reality in the name of Jesus.
Holy Father, you are the custodian of healing virtues and your Word states clearly in Malachi 4:2 that those who fear you will experience the healing in the wings of the Son of righteousness. How do we connect to that effective force, to that healing power? How do we make contact with the Son of Righteousness? In order for the Sun of righteousness to arise upon our lives and transmit healing force, we must first fear God’s name. The Word of God is settled and it has the key to the solution to every problem that might occur in the human body, soul, or spirit.
To fear the name of God means in every circumstance you must factor in and reverence His name in order to gain the power, potency, and effective healing force that is in the name of Jesus. This means you need to speak to your condition bearing in mind the power that is in the name of Jesus. There is healing in the name of Jesus so you need to call the name of your ailment and say, in the name of Jesus depart from my life. Is it depression? Speak to it now and say in the name of Jesus, the name that I have now connected to this circumstance, I command you by the power that is in the name of Jesus, that depression flee from my life forever. Whatever your sickness is, factor the name of the Lord into it, and it will obey because “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth,” Philippians 2:10. The Bible also says, “unto you that fear my name.” Fearing His name means to factor, to connect His name as the potent power that you can introduce to infuse the power of Jesus into your situation. The Bible says if you do that the Sun of Righteousness will arise in your life with healing in His wings.
The Sun of Righteousness is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one who arises with healing in His wings. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty,” Psalm 91:1 and those who do that will be able to “say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him I will trust,” Psalm 91:2. Are you under his wings? Is the Sun of Righteousness rising in your life? Are you feeling that infusion of power? Have you factored the name of Jesus into your sickness? Are you connecting to the current of healing virtues that is in the name of Jesus? I encourage you today to factor Jesus into your sickness and to call on Him with faith, and not with the voice of one who has already lost hope.
Some of us call on Him but we do not believe that he can do all things; we believe it is too late. Call on Him, factor Him into your situation and say with conviction that “All these things could be so, but in the name of Jesus I apply healing virtues.” The Bible encourages you to connect to the power because having healing virtues operating in your life, factoring the name of Jesus into your life will bring the process of health restoration. I pray that God will give you the grace to connect to Jesus so that His effective power will be infused into your circumstance so that your healing will manifest.
Prayer Points:
The first step you and I can take to connect to Jesus, which allows us to factor His name into any situation, is to surrender our life to Him. If you have never given your life to Jesus, pray along with me now, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you, write my name in the book of life, give me the born-again experience, and let healing virtues flow in my life in Jesus’ name.” Amen.