Fill the Valley

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 3:14–16
“And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts,” 2 Kings 3:16-17.

Fill the Valley

Blessed be God, who is able to do all things, including miracles. A miracle is when the natural order is suspended and a supernatural order is superimposed in a situation. Indeed, when you need a miracle, you want God to suspend the natural order in your circumstance and do something supernatural. He can and will do it for you if you are in a relationship of intimacy with Him. God desires to work miracles for those who are in a relationship with Him. However, many people are in religion not relationship. I pray that God will upgrade you from religion to relationship. Give your situation to the Lord God Almighty through Jesus Christ our Saviour when you need a miracle.

“And Elisha said, As the Lord of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee nor see thee. But now, bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him,” 2 Kings 3:14–15.

A minstrel is a musical ministration. That is why worship is so essential to that one who is in an intimate relationship with the Lord. If someone walks into your presence with a song and communicates a request with worship, first of all, you are calm, and you appreciate the melody. Then you begin to reach out and your hand touches the person. It’s the same way it works with God. “When the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon him.”

You want the presence of God? Worship brings the presence of God. You want a miracle? You cannot experience a miracle without God being present. Only God can work a miracle, because He is the manufacturer who made the natural and He knows how to suspend and superimpose the supernatural. He can only do that if He is present. You want God to be present? You must be in a romantic relationship with Him.

You must puriy yourself so that you can get close to Him. When you are close to Him, you must understand His protocols. Worship Him. Worship is prayer. When you are close to God, it becomes natural to ask for a miracle and to expect one.

The man of God asked for a minstrel and then the hand of God came upon him. And he said that the ditches of the valley would be filled with water to drink. It normally takes rain to have water in a ditch or in a valley but when God wants to work a miracle, He does what He wants to do without the natural process. He filled the valley with water without the wind and rain. Where did that water come from? Do you know where the water in rain comes from? The creator knows how to fill a valley with water without rain or wind. Are you in a valley today? Do you have a valley that needs to be filled today? You need to get to good ground if you want your valley to be filled with streams of water. How can this be?

How will God do it? He will do it by working a miracle. He will work a miracle by suspending the natural order. Because He is the creator of the universe, He knows the details of your life. He knows how to fill the valley of your life with water.

He knows how to work a specific miracle for you. The miracle I need is different from the miracle you need. He knows the valleys that are present in your life. He knows what to touch to cause the valleys to be filled with water, so that they will become streams of water.

Prayer Points:

I pray in the name of Jesus that all who desire a miracle will resolve to relate to God out of a pure conscience. Purify yourself; get into intimacy with God. Worship Him; let His hand come upon you and let your valley be filled with water.

O Father, except you draw us, we cannot come, so I pray that you draw us today. Bless us with the grace of relating to you and expecting miracles from you, because you are the God of miracles. You know the burden that each one is bearing.

Father, I ask that you bring about a miracle. Let us enter into your rest, for in rest comes a higher level of worship and praise. Father, give us the grace to pay the price to get into that intimate relationship with you. Amen.


First of All, Pray