No Troubled Heart

Scripture Reading: John 14:1–3
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

No Troubled Heart

Our Lord is encouraging us not to be troubled. The only way your heart can stay untroubled is to put it in the fear of God, and the only way to do this is to read His Word. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee,” Isaiah 26:3. Stay your heart on the Word of God. When the usual problems come forth, raise the standard of the Word of God against them. Walk in the miraculous by resorting to the Word of God.

Your journey from earth to heaven is filled with prepared places. God is in the business of preparing you and in preparing a place for you. Every path that you have walked as the sheep of the living God is a place God prepared for you before you were born. He prepared your mother’s womb, a location for you to be born safely, schools for you to attend, food for you to eat, and a way of escape from the enemy who sets traps for you. The same Lord who prepared His Word and presented it to you to feed your physical and spiritual body, the Lord remains in the business of preparation. The Master Preparer has prepared all of your experiences in this life and is also preparing a mansion for you at your ultimate destination with Him. Look at your present situation as being in a transit camp where you have to do the best you can while you are there. God says that you should not let your heart be troubled. Accept that this season in your life will be trouble-free because you have set your heart on the things He has prepared for you and on the things above.

God prepared the office you are now in before you were born. Lots of people can go to a job interview, but the one for whom the position has been prepared is pre-selected. When you find your prepared place and take it, no one else will be able to sit where you sit. God is a God of order. If we walk in the places He has prepared for us and set our mind on our ultimate destination, we can rest in the knowledge that many of the things troubling us are not worthy of our worry.

A couple was asked the secret to keeping their fifty-year marriage strong. The husband said, “When we got married we decided that as the man, I will have the final say on every big decision and that my wife will handle all of the small decisions.” The interviewer turned to the wife and said, “Wow, you agreed with every major decision he made?” She just smiled, and said, “In fifty years there haven’t been any major decisions!”

Set your mind on the things above and live in the knowledge that every matter on earth is small stuff. Agree to obey Jesus, who said, “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me,” John 14:1. If you believe in Jesus, you will not allow your heart to be troubled. Alarming developments will occur in your life’s journey, but what is alarming to you is not alarming to Jesus. Jesus did not find the storm and the raging sea alarming; there is nothing on earth that He finds alarming. Use all of your strength to factor Him into every situation so that you can stop the struggles in your life. Believe that Jesus will take care of any problem for you. He who is able to calm the storm, to speak to the wind, to walk on water can overcome any problem in your life. Magnify Him and let not your heart be troubled for He will do great things in your life. He says “behold the days come that I will perform that good thing that I have promised,” Jeremiah 33:14. I decree that these days will be days of good things. Walk in the realm of the miraculous. Expect good things to happen and that expectation will become your reality.

Beloved, the Lord is preparing a place for you. The Lord who prepared yesterday, is preparing today and will prepare tomorrow, so let not your heart be troubled. You are saved, you are covered, you are spoken for, and you are taken care of by the Master Himself.

Prayer Points:

Father God, I thank you because you are awesome and your faithfulness is forevermore. I glorify your holy name and thank you because you have assured me that I should not be troubled by anything because you have given me the faith to believe in you. Lord God, deliver me from troubling myself so that I will not get into tribulation in Jesus’ name.

If you have never given your life to Jesus, it is impossible to live a life without troubles. Align yourself with the Prince of Peace now and receive that which has been promised you.
Pray now and say, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you and ask that you bless me with your Holy Spirit. Give me the born-again experience so I may join those who will not be troubled because they believe in you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Tribulations to My Troublers


Prepared Placement