Tribulations to My Troublers

Scripture Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1:5–10; 3:2–3, 16 “Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you,” 2 Thessalonians 1:6.

Tribulations to My Troublers

God Almighty is ready to do a work in your life that will make the reality of His Fatherhood more manifest to you than ever before. God is faithful in making sure that you are delivered from all kinds of trouble. He is also faithful in recompensing tribulation to them who trouble you. The Lord wants you to know that He sees your work for Him and will righteously recompense tribulation to your troublemakers. Decree the Word of God to whomever or whatsoever is troubling you now; decree the Word of God to that situation and decree that tribulation will be recompensed to the troubler of Israel in the name of Jesus. Let tribulation be the portion of the one who is troubling the peace of the children of God.

The Lord God Almighty knows that there are unreasonable and wicked men in the world. Prayer is our weapon against them. In His righteousness, God will send tribulation to those who trouble you. He also calls for warfare prayers against the enemy. When you acknowledge that God is your all in all, that He is your total weapon of warfare, that His Word is a lamp unto your feet and the sword of your spirit, you must use His Word to attain deliverance from unreasonable and wicked men.

Beloved, not everybody you see is a believer like you; not every person you see even in the church fears God or has the faith. There are men who are unreasonable: they do not have the ability to reason and therefore they act unreasonably. Others just have wickedness entrenched in their heart and are incapable of righteousness and mercy. The only treatment for these people is to turn them over to God, who will take care of them as He says in His Word.

Take the time today to study 2 Thessalonians. Study it and understand that God knows what you are going through. Read the first three chapters and pray that the God of peace will give you peace always and by all means.

Prayer Points:

Father God, I thank you because you are my all in all. You are beautiful beyond description. I thank you because you are our Mighty Warrior, the one who is great in the battles of our lives. Our Jehovah, our covenant Father, our Everlasting Father, the Father who will not die, glory be to your holy name. Father, I thank you for the blessings you have poured into my life and for the daily benefits of being in your Kingdom. Lord, I ask that you take control of every area of my life and fight against all that fights against me. Take hold of your shield and buckler, O Lord, and stand up for me, because you are my all in all. I thank you Father that you listen to warfare prayers.

In the mighty name of my Lord Jesus Christ, recompense tribulation to all who trouble me globally. O Lord, whatever means are required for my peace, Father I ask for them now. Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver me from the wicked; deliver me from the unreasonable. I pray in Jesus’ name that every satanic giant standing against me will fall like Goliath. Let all diviners and enchanters fall after the order of Balak. I hereby bind and set ablaze every spirit of destruction against my marriage, my children, and my family, in the name of Jesus. I pray that all Pharaohs, all unreasonable and wicked men perish in the Red Sea of their pursuit of me in the name of
Jesus. Let all my Herods be devoured by spiritual worms in the order of Acts 12:23, in the name of Jesus. Father God Almighty, release your wonder- working power in my life. Amen.

Beloved, warfare prayers such as these are valid for all who are the children of God and are born again. Are you born again? Are you filled with the Spirit of God? If you are not, pray now and say, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you, write my name in the book of life and give me the born-again experience. Deliver me from evil in Jesus’ name I pray.”


Working of Miracles


No Troubled Heart