Attributes of the Blood
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 9:13–14
“For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”
Attributes of the Blood
Father God, we thank you for the blood of Jesus. I pray that we will view and treat the blood of Jesus as you do: precious, innocent, necessary, sufficient and beautiful for all situations: the final payment for all sin. O God cleanse us with the power in the blood of Jesus.
Are you feeling guilty? Dirty? Defiled? Psalm 24:4 says that those with righteous deeds and a pure heart can enter into God’s holy Presence. None of us can boldly stand before God with that testimony except that we have been washed with the blood of Jesus.
This blood is the essence of the Christian life. It atones for the sin that disqualifies you: by the blood, you now qualify for a relationship with God.
The blood of Jesus is innocent and pure, Matthew 27:4.
If you want purity in your life, you must apply the purity of Christ’s blood. Its innocence converts all your guilt to innocence. I pray that you will accept Jesus and that the innocence of Jesus’ blood will proclaim you innocent in His name. May the innocence of the blood bring about our innocence as we agree with God’s Word.
The blood of Jesus is precious, 1 Peter 1:19.
It is the blood of the Son of the living God. Imagine how invaluable your family is to you and magnify that value a million times over and that number will not begin to equal the value of the blood of Jesus to God. His blood is most precious.
The blood of Jesus is necessary and sufficient Hebrew 9:13-14. It is necessary because it reconciles us to God. It is sufficient for every situation because there is nothing the blood of Jesus cannot do for you. It is enough that Jesus died for us.
Respond to every situation with His blood and know that it is sufficient to meet your needs and bring your deliverance in Jesus’ name.
The blood of Jesus is final, John 19:30.
It has the power to override a challenge, the power to heal, and the power to deliver. The blood of Jesus is able to do all things and bring them to a permanent end.
The blood of Jesus is cleansing, John 1:7.
Wash your hands in the blood of Jesus. Flee from that which is oppressing you, prisoner of sin, in Jesus’ name. Let the blood of Jesus represent purity to you in every area where you are feeling defiled.
The blood of Jesus has conquering power, Revelation 12:11.
It is able to come into every situation and every battle like an explosive to bring about total and permanent victory, for you in Jesus’ name.
Beloved, do you need reconciliation? The blood of Jesus will make this reconciliation a reality for you. Do you need redemption? The blood of Jesus will redeem you. Do you need justification? The blood of Jesus will justify you, declaring you innocent. Do you need sanctification? The blood of Jesus will sanctify and cleanse, you. Do you need communion? The blood of Jesus will bring communion with the Lord God Almighty into your life. Do you need victory? The blood of Jesus will bring victory into your life. Do you need eternal life? The blood of Jesus will give you eternal life.
Prayer Points:
If you have never given your life to Jesus, know that you cannot have eternal life without doing so. Pray along with me, “O Father God Almighty, I come to you covered with the blood of Jesus and ask that you accept me as your child. Write my name in the book of life and let the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus cleanse me from all my sins. Give me the grace to live a holy life with the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.” Amen.
O Father God, let the conquering power of the blood of Jesus bring about victory for goodness and for righteousness in every nation. Let the conquering power of the blood manifest itself in the visible and invisible battles of your children’s lives. We thank you for the reality of the power of the blood, for the innocent, precious, necessary, sufficient, final, cleansing, and conquering blood of Jesus. Amen.