Blessings of Praise
Scripture Reading: Revelation 4:11
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Blessings of Praise
Our purpose on earth is to do what the one who created us intended us to do. I pray the purpose for which God created us will be fulfilled. I pray that we do not waste our lives, that we will not abuse the opportunity of living because life is an opportunity and a priviledge. Praising God gives Him pleasure, which is the purpose for which He created us. I pray that you and I think deeper about our purpose as it relates to God’s pleasure. I encourage you to embrace praising God more than you did before.
In our generation, praising God has become synonymous with entertainment. We say, “I like this artist, this song, it encourages me . . . ” Praising God is not meant to entertain you. The number one reason we should continuously praise God is that it is our purpose on earth. Praise Him with songs, with Psalms, with words, with sounds, with timbrels, with the harp. In this day where we have recorded music we have no excuse for not praising God.
The second reason we should praise God is that it gives us the blessings of breakthroughs. There are times when praying has not brought results for our challenges. I can confirm from the Word and from personal experience that praising God brings breakthroughs. Praising for a breakthrough is called “praise- through.” Prayer is asking God for something while praising God is blessing God, causing Him to have pleasure in you. When God has pleasure in you, He will release to you all the godly things and blessings that pertain to your life.
Praising God helps us to be humble. Some people cannot praise others because they are prideful. They deflect praise when it is directed at other people. When you compIiment people around them, they will announce what is wrong with that person, because of the spirit of pride. When we praise God, it perfects humility in us, and humility causes God to promote us. I pray that God will give us the grace to present an attitude of humility by praising God all the time.
Praising God also means that we are cheering God on. When you praise God and you say, “God you are great; God you are good,” He will manifest His greatness and goodness in your life. When you say, “God you are beautiful,” His beauty will be seen in your life.
Depression is often lifted when you praise God. When you praise God and lift Him up, He also lifts you up. There are many people who have been delivered from the pit of depression by praising. Praising God causes God to smile upon you and when God smiles upon you everything begins to work in your favour. You begin to find favour with God and necessarily with man because God is on your side. Most of the time people seek the support of men to treat depression, but the wiser way is to seek the support of God. Cause God to smile at you and all grace will abound to you. I pray that God will give the grace to understand that praise is so crucial and that is why the enemy fights our praise.
I encourage you to ask God to give you an understanding that praising Him is your primary purpose on earth. Pray that the Lord will let your life, attitude, work, and relationships praise Him. Ask Him to help you praise God not only in songs but also in actions, that your lifestyle will give Him glory. May you praise-through in Jesus’ name. May your breakthroughs happen as a result of praising God. May humility increase in your life so that promotions are perpetual. Pray that God will give you the grace to praise Him so that your depression will be lifted, and eliminated by praising in Jesus’ name. I pray that you will cause God to smile.
Prayer Points:
The ability to praise God can only be given perpetually by the Holy Spirit and He only resides in those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus. If you have never given your life to Jesus, pray, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Give me the grace to have the born-again experience and the spirit of praise that all the blessings of praising God will be a reality in my life in Jesus’ name.”