Contact and Connection with Salvation

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 4–5
“And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually. Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither,” 2 Kings 4:9–10.

Contact and Connection with Salvation

Father, we thank you because you are the only one with the grace to remember your own, the only one who can reconnect us. In your mercy we pray that you remember us for good.

In 2 Kings 4, several incidents offer lessons on how to stay connected with salvation. The first is in 2 Kings 4:1–7, where we meet a woman who is in lack. She is unstable because of her circumstances. She is a widow with no money and her sons are about to be taken away. By making contact with Elisha, whose name means salvation, she has come to a place of prosperity. Salvation showed her what she had that was dormant. I pray that you will be activated and become prosperous.

In 2 Kings 4:8–37, we read how a woman is taken from barrenness to fruitfulness. Although she is wealthy and living in prosperity, she has no legacy. She does, however, have substance. Most people clear out a room for overnight guests but this woman uses her resources to build an apartment onto her house so that the man of God, Elisha, can stay there. She makes contact with salvation, and by the end of her story, has given birth and gone from barrenness to fruitfulness. When we experience contact with salvation we not only become fruitful, but we also resuscitate and preserve our fruitfulness. Her son was visited with death, but contact with salvation resuscitated him. I pray that your contact with salvation will resuscitate every aspect of your life that is dead or dying.

In 2 Kings 4:38–41, we see that contact with salvation supplies the antidote to every poison we have consumed. Elisha came to Gilgal and there was famine in the land and they were making food for the prophet. One found a wild vine and put it in the food and when they ate they discovered there was death in the pot. Elisha was able to bring the meal (which is Jesus) to neutralize the poison. When we make contact with salvation, the neutralization of poison is a reality. I pray that every spiritual and physical poison in your life will be eliminated as you make contact with salvation.

In 2 Kings 4:42–44, we read about the multiplication of loaves. When you make contact with salvation, you have made contact with multiplication. I pray that every good thing will multiply in your life.

In 2 Kings 5, we see that when you have contact with salvation you have also made contact with cleansing. Many people look fine on the outside but inside there is decay and destruction.
When you make contact with salvation, it cleanses leprosy, particularly the dreadful, invisible kind in the mind and spirit. That is why the Bible says when someone has leprosy, the person will be declared sound. This is possible because when the leprosy has manifested, it can be eliminated, leaving a sound constitution.

Making contact with salvation will bring out sin and eliminate it permanently. Some of us are operating as if we can truly see but we are blind. Contact with salvation will open your eyes, blind your enemies, and bring restoration of the things you have lost. It will bring deliverance from the partial success syndrome and will bring resurrection from contact with death because the anointing is eternally powerful.

All that has been enumerated above should encourage you to stay connected with salvation so that you will experience perpetual blessings. Speak with your Lord, stay holy, stay connected with salvation and your blessings will increase; your prosperity will be permanent. I pray that you will experience resuscitation in everything the enemy has killed in your life. I pray that the antidote in the name of Jesus eliminate the power of every poison in your life. I pray that you stay connected with salvation, with Jesus, so that you will experience multiplication, cleansing from leprosy, and restoration of the work of your hands. May your eyes be opened and the eyes of your enemies remain blinded. May you be delivered from partial success to full success in Jesus’ name. May the residual anointing, the perpetual anointing stay in your life as you stay connected with salvation in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points:

Brethren, if you have never made contact with salvation, how can you receive all these blessings? How can you stay connected with salvation when you have not made contact? Contact is made through surrendering your life to Jesus. If you have never given your life to Jesus, pray with me now, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Give me the grace to stay connected with salvation and experience the blessings of that connection in Jesus’ name.”


The Cost of Disconnect


The Lamb’s book of life