Progressive Change

Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:6
“For I am the Lord, I change not; Therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

Progressive Change

Beloved, are you at that place where you desire “progressive change?” You desire it but you do not have the oil for it? You do not have the power for it? You do not have the enablement for it? Be assured that God is ready to pour that power into your life; that power for progressive change. How is He going to do it? He is able to do it and He is going to do it because He is God. Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the Lord, I change not.” For He is “I am that I am” Exodus 3:14. He is today what He was yesterday and what He will be tomorrow. He is unchanging, and has the ability to control change in our lives.

Beloved, change can be progressive or regressive; but for Christians, God’s plan is progressive change: to go from glory to glory according to the Word of God in 2 Corinthians 3:18. We are supposed to make progressive change spiritually and socially. How do we make this change? Beloved, first, we need to assess ourselves in all areas and then plan a progressive change based on the guidelines of the Word of God. We ask God to create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us that will upgrade our mindset. We need to pray for the grace to have the mind of Christ. The Bible says “let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus. For the mind of Christ to come into you, you must first be “out of your mind.” You cannot put a Christ mindset on your old mind and expect progress. You need to be ready for a new life with a new mind.

Brethren, the most progressive mind is the mind of Christ, and once that mind comes into us we get into the realm of possibilities and progressive change. The director of progressive change is Jesus, the one who manifests it is the Holy Spirit and the beneficiary is the surrendered Christian. You cannot be taken to your next level by God except you surrender your life to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead you into all that is possible for you through Christ from God. So I implore you today, to consciously surrender your heart and your mind totally to Jesus and let His Spirit lead you into all blessings and take you from glory to glory and grow from grace to grace. May your life manifest perpetual progressive change spiritually, physically, materially and socially in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer Points:

Father, let the anointing for progressive change be the portion of your children today. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus, and ask that you take your people from the ordinary to the extraordinary: Father, that you would take us from problems to promotions, from the natural to the supernatural, from turbulence to calm, from the carnal to the spiritual; that you will change us from mourning to dancing, from famine to prosperity.

Lord, I pray that you will give the oil of wholeness to the wounded, that you would cover the naked, that you would convert our shame to fame, and touch those who are merely religious and have not received the touch of God.

Lord, I pray you change us from disgrace to grace in the name of Jesus. I pray that God will promote us and we will experience revival in every area where we are just experiencing routine. I pray that God will promote us from discord to accord, from those who are hell bound to those who are heaven bound. Lord, upgrade us from the usual to the new and glorious, take us from bondage to liberty, from shadow to substance, from sleep to service, from worry to worship, from death to life, from problems to solutions, from debtor to creditor, from disease to ease, and from the blind to the seer. O God, pour out your Fresh Oil of progressive change into our lives. In your mercy and love, give us a supernatural attitude to life. O Holy Father, give us the oil that will service and upgrade us in our spiritual and physical man. Amen.


The Lamb’s book of life


Blessed Is He