O Lord, I Beseech Thee

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1:11
“O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king’s cupbearer.”

O Lord, I Beseech Thee

Beseech is another word for begging, an appeal, a supplication, a desperate cry, a persistent plea for help. Our prayers to God should be conveyed with humility and beseeching; that He may by His mercy and grace respond to our requests and grant us consolations and succor. We need to be mindful of our familiarity in communication and the depreciation of expressed humility and reverence used in our prayers to God. Our God who asked us to command Him concerning the work of His hands also asked us with thanksgiving and humility to make our requests known to Him. Some people have grown so used to begging men in great positions that they have forgotten how to beseech the Almighty God. May God give us the grace to appeal to Him, to submit our pleas to Him, to seek His compassion and mercy so that all will be well for us, in Jesus’ name.

Pray that the Lord will give special attention to your supplications today by granting your prayer requests. Confess that you are His servant, a servant who desires to fear His name and to prosper. Pray that God will grant you mercy and favour in the sight of all men today.

When we desire to obtain anything from other people, we should first present our concern to God. He can then move the hearts and minds of influential people to do His will. Nehemiah desired a favour on behalf of God’s people from the king. The Bible says God “knowest the hearts of all the children of men,” 1 Kings 8:39.

Therefore, the hearts of all men, including the hearts of kings, are in the hand of God. God can turn the heart whichever way He wants.

Prayer Points:

Concerning the plight of the Jews, Nehemiah first settled the matter with God. He presented his need for favour from men first to God and when he eventually presented his requests to the king, he received a positive response to the minutest detail of his request. “And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me,” Nehemiah 2:8. Read Nehemiah 2 and meditate on the operation of favours received from the good hand of God. We need to persist in our prayers and beseech the Lord to have mercy on us and respond to our requests. May we be delivered from the pride- based attitude of entitlement and have the grace to beseech the Lord in humility. Amen.


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