Overcoming Challenges

Scripture Reading:  Revelation 2:7

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”

Overcoming Challenges 

Beloved, we have a Father who is in heaven. We hallow His name in heaven; we hallow the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we will look at the challenges we encounter as Christians.

Be encouraged because the Lord has promised that when we overcome, we will be blessed with His rewards. What do we need to overcome so that we will get to eat of the tree of life? When we become Christians, we are so eager, so full of zeal, so full of anointing, so full of faith, and then after a while our enthusiasm begins to wane.  The Lord recognizes that period in our walk and He says to us, “Hold on.” When we overcome being lukewarm, when we overcome weakness that creeps in, when we overcome by returning ourselves to our first love, He will give us the tree of life that is in the midst of the paradise of God. May God give us the grace to overcome every plan the enemy has to cause us to lose our passion and zeal for Jesus.

The next challenge we are confronted with is the opposition by hypocrites, those who claim to be Christians but are not. The Lord speaks about this in Revelation 2:9.  Stand faithful to Jesus in the face of every opposition in your environment. If the challenge you face as a Christian is the doctrine of Balaam, the doctrine that encourages you to compromise, stand for Jesus because He says, “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it,” Revelation 2:17. Balaam is commercial Christianity. God wants us to overcome the temptations of Balaam and stand for Him and the principles He has laid down in His Word. If you do so, He will give you hidden manna. He will pour on you blessings that the enemy cannot detect. May God give us the grace to overcome, in the name of Jesus. Once we overcome Balaam, Jezebel will show up. The Jezebel spirit is the spirit that loves to dominate and control others. The Lord says if you overcome the Jezebel spirit, He will give you power over the nations. If you have that spirit, acknowledge it and let God’s people go; release domination of other men and just look to God and He will give you power over the nations.

We also face the need for fame. Many Christians want to be popular; they want everyone to know their name. But God says if you overcome the challenge of fame, He will give you a divine mention. Beloved, is it not better to be famous with God than among men? Fame with men is so temporary and the same people who lifted them up have brought many who were famous yesterday down. But God says, if you remain faithful to Him, He will give you a divine mention. He will give you fame that lasts forever.  Blessed be God!

Father God Almighty, give us the grace to overcome the need for fame that distracts us in our walk with you O Lord.

Another challenge we encounter as Christians is the complex that makes us disqualify ourselves and makes us conclude that we do not have the ability to do the works that we ought to do. Revelation 3:8 says, “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” Is your challenge the challenge of little strength?  God says, just hold on.  Just use that little strength for Me, and I will set before you an open door that no man can shut and I will keep you from the hour of temptation, which will come upon the world. Overcome these challenges and you will be blessed beyond your imagination.

God is standing at the door now and He is telling you to hear His voice, to open the door and let Him come in. Let Him empower you so that you will live the life of an overcomer.

Beloved, talk to God today and say, “O Lord, give me the grace to overcome every challenge in my life. Give me the grace to walk with you, O Lord. Give me the grace to overcome so that I will in every way stand with you and enjoy the rewards of the overcomer in the name of Jesus.”

Prayer Points:

Dear Lord, have mercy upon me. Restore me to my first love and my works for you, O Jesus.  Remind me of where I fell and grant me repentance, in Jesus’ name. Deliver me, O Lord from the doctrine of Balaam, the stumbling block. O Father God, everywhere I condone Jezebel’s spirit, Lord deliver me from me, I pray.  Deliver me from fornication and the seducing spirit of adultery. Deliver me from compromise, O Lord. Every area where I am dead, but seem to be alive, Lord, please have mercy upon me. Strengthen what is remaining in me. Every area where I am lukewarm, Father God Almighty make me zealous for you again. Set before me an open door that no man can shut forevermore, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

If you have never given your life to the Lord Jesus, pray and say, “Lord Jesus, I come to you. I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Father in your mercy and in your love, write my name in the book of life.” And if you have already given your life to Jesus, continue to read the Word of God.

Overcome and grow everyday to the glory of His holy name. Amen. Blessed be God!


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