Arresting the Arresters
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 19:20-24
“And Saul sent messengers to take David: and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as appointed over them, the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied,” 1 Samuel 19:20.
Arresting the Arresters
Our God is so faithful; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Has God come through for you before? He will come through for you again. Blessed be God.
Today, let us look at how God arrests the arresters. We thank God for the combined forces of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit which are working together for our good from now even unto eternity. What is arresting you today? What has held you bound today? The Lord who delivered you yesterday will deliver you today and tomorrow.
He is the God who arrests the arresters.
One way He does so is by converting them. In 1 Samuel 19:20-24, we see how Saul was persecuting David. We are told that Saul sent soldiers to arrest David, but instead God arrested the soldiers and they began to prophesy. When Saul himself went, he too was arrested and began to prophesy. Today, may the Lord arrest your arresters, in the name of Jesus. Is it sickness that arrests you? May God who is nearer than you think arrest that arrester. Is it lack that has held you bound? I pray that God in His mercy will arrest lack and instead release abundance into your life, in the name of Jesus. Is it gossip and attacks by the enemy that is arresting you?
God will convert the perpetrators and make them your praisers. The same lips, the same tongues that cursed you will begin to bless you, in the name of Jesus.
If God does not convert your arresters, God will call down His fire that will consume your arresters. In 2 Kings 1:1-16 when the soldiers sent to arrest him said, “man of God come down,” Elijah replied, “if I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you” and the fire came down and consumed the fifty arresters. Another fifty came and fire came down and consumed them. The third group was spared by Elijah because they pleaded for their lives. Beloved, God can send down fire upon your arresters.
Prayer Points:
Lord, anything that is arresting me and that needs to be arrested, Father arrest it. Everything that is arresting me that needs the fire from God to consume it, Father as your fire came down for Elijah, let it consume my arresters in the name of Jesus. Lord, in 2 Kings 6:8-23 where you smote some arresters with blindness, directed them to a place of arrest, and then opened their eyes to see that they had become the arrested instead of the arresters, smite my arresters too with blindness.
Lord, today divinely arrest all those who impede my progress and try to turn my glory to shame. Just as those who came to arrest Jesus stumbled and fell in John 18:6, let my enemies, my arresters fall backward. O God, you are a faithful God. What you did for David, for Elijah, for Elisha, and for our Lord Jesus Christ, you will do for me. Lord, may every stubborn pursuer of my destiny, my blessing, my breakthrough and my liberty drown like the Egyptians in the Red Sea in the name of Jesus.
He said in His Word that the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. God arrests the stubborn pursuers by a divine substitution. He puts the arresters to death and sets His own free. Father convert the arresters O Lord; and then give your children a divine release. God Almighty, let the man of this world no longer oppress us. Father God, cover us with the blood of Jesus. Amen.