Foundations of Christian Culture

Scripture Reading: Exodus 20

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” Exodus 20:3.

Foundations of Christian Culture

Beloved, we need to get back to the basics of Christianity. We need to have a clear understanding of what our faith in God and our walk with God is all about. Therefore our focus today will be on our Christian culture.  Culture is defined as the norms and values of a group of people in a particular place at a particular time.  Our Christian culture is a superior culture; it is a “Supreme Culture” and that is why I call it the super culture. It supercedes, it overtakes every other culture. It has been around for more than two thousand years, and it will be around after we are gone. God’s Kingdom is going to be here forever because it has a perfect foundation, and is the kingdom that has no end, the kingdom “that will stand for ever,” Daniel 2:44.

The foundation of our super culture is the Word of God. In Exodus 20:2-17 we find the Ten Commandments, which lays our foundational doctrine. Its structure and development is perpetual, because it grows in the life of all Christians who manifest the fruit of the Spirit as stated in Galatians 5:22-23. Our culture, therefore, has a good foundation in the Ten Commandments, a structure and a body that is perpetually growing in the life of Holy Spirit-filled and led Christians.

Crowning this super culture structure is the Lord, King Jesus, the only begotten Son of God. We lift Him and His kingdom higher as we live out the principles of the Christian culture above the ways of the world in our generation.

Beloved, are you truly a Christian? Are you conscious of the culture, of the foundational values of Christianity?  Today, we will ask God to reconstruct our foundations in Christianity if they need to be reconstructed.  Are you filled with the Holy Spirit, is the fruit of the Spirit maturing and manifesting in your life, are you lifting up King Jesus with your lifestyle? Examine yourself and ask the Lord to help you to live in the ways of the super culture of the kingdom of God.

Prayer Points:

Lord, give me the grace to obey the Ten Commandments as the foundation of my life. I affirm you alone as God in my life. Every idol I have set up and lifted up before you in my life Lord God, I pull it down.  Deliver me from idolatry in the name of Jesus. Father God, deliver me from the abuse of the Sabbath day. You said I should work for six days and rest on the seventh day, but Lord there are many who work seven days without rest, who do not observe the day of rest as you have commanded for our benefit. O living God, forgive the error, forgive the sin, and Lord God repair the damage that disobedience has caused to our lives. Father God, give us the grace to work according to the Word. God Almighty in your mercy give us the grace to honour our parents, to honour our father and our mother that our days will be long on the earth. Deliver us from disobedience, resentment, and anger against our parents. If there be any who have dishonoured their parents, O Lord Father, we pray for divine forgiveness today. Father, let there be repentance in our hearts to restore our relationship with our parents. If there be any who have killed, please forgive we pray in Jesus’ name. We plead the blood of Jesus and ask that you forgive every sinner in Jesus’ name.

Father, deliver your children from the spirit of adultery. Deliver those in bondage to stealing, gossip, bearing false witnesses, covetousness. Father, deliver today in the name of Jesus because you are the only one who can deliver us.

Lord, you have set these rules for our benefit, but Lord God Almighty, in many ways we disobey and we experience the repercussions. O Lord, set our foundations right again.  Put us in a good place again. Father give us the grace to understand that Christianity is a super culture and it has a foundation in the Ten Commandments, that our Spirit-filled and led lives give it structure and body and that Jesus our King is the crown and glory of our super culture.Give us the grace to manifest your superior culture, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Structure of the Christian Super Culture


Arresting the Arresters