Structure of the Christian Super Culture

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:22-23

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

Structure of the Christian Super Culture

We need to get back to the foundations of our walk with God. We need to walk with God in the values and norms of true Christianity. Yesterday we talked about the foundation of the Christian super culture, the Ten Commandments, as written in Exodus 20.

Today, we will talk about the structure and pillars of the building. The building needs a foundation and then it needs a structure. The building blocks of our Christian super culture are manifested in all Christians through the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Ten Commandments serve as the foundation. The fruit of the Holy Spirit, which can only be given by the Holy Spirit, is the pillar, the structure of our Christian culture. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the roof, the crown of the Christian culture. So our Christian super culture has its foundation in God, its structure in the power of the Holy Spirit, and its roof in the Lord Jesus Christ our King, our crowning glory.

Beloved, today I encourage you to understand that we are very important to God, to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit. God needs us to obey His commandments; the Holy Spirit needs us to receive Him into our live and give Him the freedom to build us up, so that we will build the Kingdom up by manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in love. This type of love is unconditional, not conditional like we are used to.

Did you know there are three types of love? Phileo, eros and agape.  Phileo, the family type of love, is what a parent feels for a child or a child feels for a parent. This family- oriented love can extend to people beyond family. Then you have eros, the romantic kind of love that a man has for a woman and vice versa. But today, I am talking about the God-kind of love, agape love, unconditional love, as practiced in the super culture.  Only the Holy Spirit can give it to you.  The joy that the Holy Spirit gives is different from the happiness that comes and goes. This joy is a constant state of believing; walking with God in a state of delight because you know all is well between you and God. He gives peace that passes all understanding, and the grace for longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith that can move mountains.  The faith that enables you to substantiate the things you hope for before God; that gives you the grace to believe what you do not see.

Many people ask, “Why do you have faith in God?  Can you see God?” A wise Christian may say, “When you have a headache, do you see the headache?  No, but do you believe you have the headache? Yes!” Well, the truth is if you have to see God before you believe, then you need faith because “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1. And this can only be given to you by God through His Holy Spirit, by His fruit manifesting in you.

Our Lord Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me,” John 12:32. If you and I practice the super culture of Christianity in its proper form, as we manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit, we are building up the blocks of this culture. And when a building gets taller, the roof is raised higher. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the crown of the roof of the Christian super culture.  As you and I manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit, we are lifting up Jesus Christ, and He will draw all men to Himself.

So, the challenge we have today is that we are trying to draw men to Jesus Christ. He said to lift Him up by living out the super culture. As He is lifted up in our Christian life, He will draw men because there is no one who does not need love, no one who does not need joy, no one who does not need peace. There is no one who does not need patience or gentleness or goodness or faith or meekness or temperance. If you and I build up the blocks of the Christian super culture, our Lord Jesus Christ will be lifted up and seen from afar and will draw all men unto Him.

Prayer Points:

Beloved, if you are thinking you have never really experienced agape, or never had unconditional love toward anyone, let us pray today and ask the power of the Holy Spirit to come into our lives and give us the grace to manifest the fruit in its wholeness:  the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Pray with me and say, “Lord Jesus, I need you to pour into my life the grace of unconditional love.  I have practiced phileo and eros but I want agape, unconditional love. O Holy Spirit, pour it into my life in the name of Jesus. Let me have that unconditional love, let me manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pour longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith into my life in Jesus’ name. O Lord God, give me joy; give me peace that passes all understanding. Make me meek: someone who manifests temperance. Holy Spirit, manifest your power, your virtues in my life in Jesus’ name I pray.”

If you have never given your life to Jesus, you cannot receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray with me, “Lord Jesus, I desire to walk in agape love. Please cleanse me and become Lord and Saviour of my life so that the Holy Spirit can manifest His fruit in my life.” If you do know Him, continue to live out the super culture, raise the Christian culture higher so that Jesus will be lifted up from the earth and draw all men to Himself.

I pray that you give us all the grace to be conscious of our need to live out the super culture, to manifest your beauty and your power in our generation in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Identity of the Christian Super Culture


Foundations of Christian Culture