This is the Way

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 30:15–22
“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left,” Isaiah 30:21.

This is the Way

Beloved, wouldn’t it be wonderful to hear the voice of the Lord, the voice of the Master speaking to you, saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left?”

Getting direction is a necessity in life. Many of us are at a crossroad. We need clear direction from the living God as to which way to go, when to turn, and when to stand still. But how can a Christian in this generation get this direction when molten images of silver and ornaments of gold are diverting us? Most of the time, the counsel we receive is based on the bottom line. We want to know how much money can we get. What is the financial implication of this direction? How much am I going to be paid? What is my time worth? All too often the dollar, the gold, the silver is what we worship. Those who have walked that path and have seen the gold and silver know that it is illusory. Even those who have attained financial wealth, more than they can count, still need direction. They ask, “Now what?” Those who have not yet found the gold and silver say, “Let me find the gold and silver first, then I can say, ‘now what?’” I tell you it is better to get divine direction now, so you will find the gold and silver and everything else you need to become what you came to earth to be.

We are on a journey; we came here for a purpose; we are here to accomplish a divine assignment. For a divine assignment, you need divine direction, and God is saying to you, “Seek me early; include me in your plans, talk to me, rely on me.” Wise men like Job miss Him when they cannot find Him, and they seek His voice: “Oh that I knew where I might find him!. . . I would order my cause before him,” Job 23:3–4. Wise men seek God’s direction. We are also told, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,” Psalm 37:23. But sometimes that voice has been muffled by matters arising in our mind that are diversionary, not directional. If we are to receive the most current direction for our most current situation, we must walk with Him daily so that we recognize His voice as He tells us to go forward or stand still, go to the right or to the left.

Do you want to hear the voice of God giving you direction in your life? What a wonderful place to be, to hear the voice of God saying, “This is the way to go!”

Prayer Points:

Father, you are mighty and you are merciful. We thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you because your thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and you are in such a high place that your vision concerning the matters arising in our lives is clear. Lord, I pray that you will take us to that high place where only your wonderful counsel and excellent working is available.

King of kings, your Word says in John 10:4-5,that your sheep hear your voice and they follow; that they will not follow another voice.

Father, I want to hear your voice today, that I may follow it alone. I cover my spiritual ears with the blood of Jesus and ask that it block every noise; silver, gold, ego, fame, fear, that is making it difficult to hear your voice today. Without your direction I am lost. Father God, let me hear that voice today that I might receive divine direction, in the name of Jesus!


Wonderful Counsel


His Mouth Is Most Sweet