The Fruit Of the Holy Spirit
Scripture Reading: Galatians 5: 22–23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
The Fruit Of the Holy Spirit
Father God, you are taking us to greater heights and planting us deeper and deeper in you. We are your Bride now. Give us the grace to manifest your Presence in our lives.
Besides wearing a physical wedding garment, the Bride of Christ must also wear a spiritual one. This garment is based on what is on the inside. We must have in us the attributes of the Holy Spirit which are:
LOVE. Unconditional love never fades. It is not romantic love, or the love you have for your family, a feeling that can come and go. This is the God kind of love that is called Agape.
JOY. This Joy is different from happiness. You can be happy for an hour and then drown in your sorrows. Joy comes from within; it is put inside of you. You put on that joy and even when it makes no sense, your soul remains joyful.
PEACE. Peace is experienced in all situations: you feel a sense of calm even when there is turmoil and nothing around you makes sense.
LONGSUFFERING. The grace of patience and endurance grants maturity and the ability to turn trials to triumphs.
GENTLENESS and GOODNESS. The maturity of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in you will make you gentle and manifest the goodness of God in all situations.
FAITH. Faith is the ability to substantiate the things hoped for and to believe God for what we do not see.
MEEKNESS and TEMPERANCE. Meekness is the grace to have great power and have the ability to control it and not be overbearing with it. Temperance manifests in self control and moderation in all things.
The above is a description of how God wants to decorate you spiritually. He wants to make you look so good that when you move with Him, people look at you and say, “That’s Mrs. Jesus.”
Let us cooperate with the Word of God; let us do what it says. Let us put on the spiritual wedding garment of the bride of Christ by maturing the fruit of the Spirit that is already in us by His grace.
Prayer Points:
If you have never given your life to Jesus, you cannot be His Bride. So pray with me now, “Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. I confess and forsake my sins.
Cleanse me from my sins with your blood and write my name in the book of life. Give me the grace to become your bride and manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit.