I Long for You

Scripture Reading: Romans 1:11–12

“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”

I Long for You

O Father God, we thank you for Jesus. We thank you because He is the Rock of our salvation. He is the Rock of Ages that was cleft for us; we thank you because you have given us the grace to hide in Him. Lord God Almighty, we pray that today you will deliver us from the things that distract us from you.

Give us the grace to respond to your call.

Have you walked away from fellowship with God? Perhaps you have not prayed or sang to Him in weeks.  Your heavenly Father is longing to see you. He is desperate for you to be in His Presence.  He is looking for you.

Do you know that the Word of God was written as a letter to you? God is calling you to meet with Him in your prayer closet, in church, in a revival meeting, or in a conference.

When God calls a meeting and provides a forum that you are being invited to attend, God is saying, “I long to see you.”

Some of us have not been in church for so long because we think there is something wrong with every church we attend. There is no perfect church. If there were a perfect church, it would become imperfect the day you joined it in your imperfection. There are no perfect people. Ministers and congregants alike are all works in progress. God is so desperately hungry for you to be in His Presence that He calls you to meet Him even in the midst of imperfect people. He longs to see you so that He may give you spiritual gifts.  If you

do not come to Him, how can you get these gifts? If you do not get the gifts, how can you be blessed? If you are not blessed, how can you be a blessing?

This passage from Romans says that God wants to impart to you spiritual gifts so you may be established. He wants you to be anchored to His love.

If you have moved away from the presence of God, I pray that there will be restoration today; that you will receive this love letter from your Father. He is saying to you, when you come back to God, there will be reconciliation, comfort, faith, joy and progress. Come back to God. That place of worldly fellowship is not going to give you permanent joy or solve your problems. Your Father who saw you at birth and passed by, saying, “Live!” is still calling you. He longs to see you so He may give you spiritual gifts that will establish you and keep you from falling again. I pray for repentance and restoration for those who know they have fallen from grace.

Prayer Points:

If you have never given your life to Jesus, but know you need His grace today; know you have sinned and fallen below the standard of God, please pray with me, “Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you.  I confess and forsake my sins.

Cleanse me from my sins. Bless me with salvation and give me the comfort, the spiritual gifts, and the establishment that comes from relating to God in intimacy in Jesus’ name.” Amen.

Father God, I pray for everyone who has fallen below your standard; for the backslidden Christian. Establish them. Let them respond to your longing. Give them the grace to return to you and be blessed.


The Good Way

