The Benefits of Calvary
Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:12
“Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.”
The Benefits of Calvary
Father, I thank you for the blessings and benefits of Calvary; for the full price you paid when you said, “It is finished,” John 19:30. We thank you for ushering in the time of the release of what you purchased.
When Jesus was about to die on the cross, He said, “It is finished,” ringing in a new day in our lives: a day of power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing. Because He was slain for us, the Lord obtained these seven dimensions and released them to us at Calvary when He declared, “It is finished.” May all that He purchased for His ambassadors in this generation come forth in our lives. God’s wisdom, strength, riches, power, honour, glory, and blessing are available to manifest in all believers since He lives within us.
All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus. If you ask Him, God will do a work in your life today to heal any damage done to your body, soul, or spirit because He paid for His power to manifest in your life. All riches on earth belong to Jesus. The devil knew that if Jesus accomplished His mission on earth, all riches would be in His custody, so he tempted Jesus in the wilderness by promising to give Him the entire earth if He worshipped the devil. But Jesus could not be tempted, Matthew 4:1–10. Yet despite Jesus’ accomplishment on Calvary, many Christians are still suffering from lack and are struggling. I pray that the riches God procured at Calvary become our own.
Jesus released to us power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing. Are you walking in that power? Today, let the weak say, “I am strong,” in the name of Jesus. Let the blessings of the living God locate all His children now. Let them overtake us in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Points:
If you have not received Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you do not qualify to receive the release of the seven dimensions of the blessings and benefits of Calvary. Pray now and be born again, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. I confess and forsake my sins. Cleanse me from my sins with your blood and write my name in the book of life. Give me the grace to receive the blessings of Calvary and let them be a reality in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.”
Father, I thank you because your Word works. Jesus is your living Word, so if He is in us then by His grace, His power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing will show forth in our lives. If there is anything fighting against this experience, I pray that you bind those principalities in the name of Jesus. May we walk in these seven dimensions of release through Calvary in the name of Jesus. Amen.