Connect to the Covenant
Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:2–15
“And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows,” Exodus 3:7.
Connect to the Covenant
Have you been crying and sighing by reason of bondage? I pray that God will remember His covenant through the new covenant, our Lord Jesus Christ. When God hears your cry, He sets in motion the process that will bring about your deliverance. The children of Israel had been crying because of their bondage for a long time, but a day came when God heard their cry, Exodus 3:9–10. Hard bondage could be a soul that is seeking salvation. Your intellect may not understand but your spirit man, your soul, the Spirit of God in you desires deliverance, which is salvation. The greatest deliverance anyone can get is from sin into salvation, deliverance from the blindness of a life without Christ. The greatest bondage of all is the absence of God and all that God can bring into a life.
For people who understand “Christianese” there is a focus on ancestral bondage, but leave your ancestors alone today. Is your soul saved? If you are in the bondage of sin, cry out to God and say, “Lord, I am tired of this bondage, this alcoholism, this anger. I am tired of working like an elephant and eating like an ant. I am tired of doing the evil that I do not want to do. I am tired of this valley.” Is your soul crying to God for salvation? The Bible says, “God heard their groaning.”
Maybe you are saved, but are going through the challenges of an attack of lack. Are you going through the challenges of oppression that you do not know how to resolve? Are you going through repeated, perpetual challenges? God scatters the everlasting mountains and causes the perpetual hills to bow.
Today, in the name of Jesus I decree that every mountain standing before the children of the living God be leveled in the name of Jesus. I pray for a new confidence in the children of God whose souls are saved. I pray for the confidence that came into David that caused him to take on the mountain of Goliath and make it to lie down. I pray that the faith that can move mountains will come into you; that God will deliver you from the bondage of fear, for what you are afraid of is truly afraid of you.
Holy Father, in your mercy hear the groaning of your people today. Give the person who is unemployed an idea that will catapult that person to an employer. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus for anyone who is going through authoritative oppression. If the authorities in your life, be it your work or your family, are oppressing you, I pray today that the one who is higher than that authority will arise in your life. Let God arise and let the enemies of God be scattered. Father God Almighty, oppress the oppressor and let him have no rest until your people are set free.
The Bible says God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant. God has to find a basis to intervene in your groanings. In Israel, God heard their groaning and reconnected them to His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, verse 6. He connected their groaning to the covenant and then He intervened. To which covenant will God connect your groaning? The only covenant God remembers today is the new covenant, the blood of Jesus. I pray that God will remember you and connect your groaning to the covenant of Jesus. I pray that He will intervene today and break the chains of your oppressor.
If you are not born again, there is no covenant that God can connect to your groaning. Are you sad, depressed, in despair, and do you cry yourself to sleep? Do you go around sighing and do not know why? If you are in bondage God needs to connect your bondage and your sighing to a covenant in order to release you. To what covenant can God connect your bondage and then release and deliver you? To what covenant can He connect your lack and release blessings to you? To what covenant can He connect your sickness and bring healing? To what covenant can God connect your oppression and bring deliverance? I pray today that you will connect to the only covenant that God recognizes today: the covenant of the New Testament, the covenant of the shed blood of Jesus, the covenant of Calvary.
Prayer Points:
If you are not born again pray with me “Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart and connect me to the covenant of Calvary. Bring laughter to replace my tears, joy to replace my depression, healing to replace my sickness, and prosperity to replace my lack. Father God Almighty, I connect my groaning to the covenant of Calvary and ask, O Lord, that the benefits of Calvary begin to manifest in my circumstances. Deliver me from bondage in the name of Jesus.” Amen.
Dear Lord, in the name of Jesus I connect all the groaning of the children of God reading this message to the covenant of Calvary and I pray Lord that you have respect unto them. Holy Father, deliver us from every bondage that is oppressing us, we ask in Jesus’ name, through the covenant of Calvary.