Arise, Cry Out for the Children

Scripture Reading: Lamentations 2:19
“Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street.”

Arise, Cry Out for the Children

Father God we thank you for the priviledge of experiencing your direction, deliverance, and conversion. Lord, we thank you for turning us around.

Today we call on you concerning our children and our generation. Almighty God, we pray that in the name of Jesus you will give our generation your direction, that you will give them the grace to understand their heritage in you; that you will teach them. Give them the confidence to operate in signs and wonders so that working with you, Lord God Almighty, will not end with us, it will continue from generation to generation in Jesus’ name.

O Lord Jesus, we know you love children and you ask us to bring the children to you, as you said in Matthew 19:14, so we are bringing the children to you. As parents we are merely custodians of your property, Lord. Today I pray that you will give all who are parents biologically and circumstantially the grace to arise to the occasion. Parenting is not just biological, it is also generational. Some say it takes a village to raise a child, so we pray for our generation today, that you will give us the grace to arise.

Talk to God seriously about your children and the challenges they are facing. Many parents are Christians, Lord, but their children “faint for hunger in the top of every street.” The top of every street is not just the concrete highway, there are children caught in the highway of the media, causing them to faint because they have not been cared for or have the right direction in life. Our children are being contaminated before our very eyes. Idolatries are distracting them from becoming the children they are meant to be. I encourage you father, mother, uncle, aunt, mothers, and fathers of society, Naomi’s of our time, cry out in the night and pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift up your hands toward Him for the life of your children.

Beloved, when you see children on the streets, looking idle, standing like prey, like sheep waiting for the lion to devour them, do not say, “I wonder whose child that is?” I say to you today that that is your child. The children in this generation are your children. If you cannot talk to them because there are many laws restricting us from reaching children these days nothing stops you from waking up in the night and praying for them. O Father, give us the grace to intercede for the children. Lord Jesus you are the greatest intercessor. We pray Lord that in your mercy and in your love, you pray for the parents of this generation; that you give us the grace to do right by the children, that we will pray for our children.

Prayer Points:

O Lord Jesus, pour into us the spirit of intercession and revelation that we will cry out for the children, that their generation might also praise your name.

Beloved, you need the Spirit of God and you need to be born again to receive the Spirit of God. If you are not born again, call on the Lord and say, “Lord, save my soul. Write my name in the book of life. Fill me with your Spirit and give me the grace to cry out for the lives of the children in Jesus’ name.” Amen.


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