Journey of the Beloved Bride of Christ 1

Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 17:27

“Now therefore let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may be before thee for ever: for thou blessest, O Lord, and it shall be blessed forever.”

Journey of the Beloved Bride of Christ 1

The Lord at this time is calling us to a closer walk with Him. There are different categories of walking with God.  There is the walk of the multitude; the large group of people who follow the Lord mainly just to belong or for what they can get, and for their miracles or for food as in the place where Jesus fed the 5,000. A second category of walk is that of the disciple, the walk the twelve disciples, the Apostles, had with the Lord Jesus. This is the walk of the disciplined follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Above that category is the walk of the three: Peter, James and John who were up to a very high place with God, with the Lord Jesus Christ, and there at the Mount of Transfiguration they saw Him transfigured. This is the walk of the inner circle. But today my desire is that we all get to that place where we walk with God in the category of the beloved.

The beloved of God is one who has a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. You see, in a close and intimate relationship there is only room for Him and one, and that place was reserved for John; John the beloved.  He was the disciple who could put his head on the chest of the Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, in love; and I believe as he put his head on His chest, he was able to hear what was in the Lord's heart. Today, can you say that you can hear what is on the Lord's heart? Do you know the heartbeat of God?  Do you know what the Lord Jesus is thinking about right now?  Do you know what He wants you to do? To hear from God in that category, we need to get to the place of the beloved where we

can put our head on His chest and hear His heartbeat, and hear what is on His heart for us. It is a beautiful place to be. I encourage us all to get there.

There is a journey for the beloved. A journey for the one, who has put on Christ, who has put on that love, who has gotten to the heartbeat of God. Let us illustrate this journey from Genesis to Revelation for your blessing based on the Word of God.

The Beloved Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is also a favoured person, journeys through the Word of God. In the book of Genesis, like Adam and Eve, the Bride is fashioned and made by God with earthly components. She is then infused with God's Spirit to accomplish God's purpose on earth, according to Genesis 1:26. In Exodus, because she is the beloved of the Lord, the Lord God fights for her and she holds her peace. We can find this assurance in Exodus 14:14. In Leviticus 10:9-11, the Bride keeps herself undefiled, values sanctification for holy purposes, and stands before God in purity.  In Numbers 23:23, she is blessed beyond the curse.

This is a lovely place to be. This is a safe place to be, to be blessed beyond the curse. In Deuteronomy, she gets the prophetic blessing and is redeemed from the hereditary curse. Read the blessings in Deuteronomy 33 and appropriate them to yourself, in the name of Jesus. In Joshua 24:14-15, the reproach of Egypt is rolled off her life, and she serves the Lord. In Judges 4, like Deborah, the Bride judges and directs leaders.  In Ruth, the Bride proclaims that she is the handmaiden of the Lord and asks Him to spread His skirt over her and cover her. He covers her as the beloved is covered in Ruth 3:9. In 1 Samuel 1:13, like Hannah, she prays in the Spirit for her breakthrough beyond understanding. In 2 Samuel 22, like David, the Bride is in thanksgiving. In 1 Kings 3, like Solomon, she receives wisdom to govern God's Kingdom. In

2 Kings 2:13, she experiences miracles and deliverance through the prophetic ministry of Elijah. In 1 Chronicles 17:27, she receives the blessings of the Lord and she is blessed forever.

In 2 Chronicles 26:5, she sought the Lord, and as long as she sought the Lord, God made her to prosper. In Ezra 6:8, the Bride diligently does what is commanded by the God of heaven for the house of the God of heaven.  In Nehemiah 8:10, she realizes that the joy of the Lord is her strength.  In the Book of Esther 2:15, like Esther, the Bride prepares herself until she receives the fragrance of blessedness that manifested in favour before the king and in the eyes of all people and receives the crown above all other virgins.

Prayer Points:

Beloved, wouldn't it be lovely to be a part of the beloved and experience all these blessings, to take this journey, to receive favour from the King and in the eyes of all who see you? It is possible. Just give your life to Jesus. Follow His Word. Obey His commandments. Walk with Him and become one of His beloved to the glory of God in your life and you will be blessed beyond the curse.  You will have a joy that only God can give.

If you have never given your life to Jesus, pray with me and say, “Dear Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Write my name in the book of life and upgrade me to the status of the beloved, who will continue through the Scriptures in the journey of the beloved Bride of Christ.” If you are already one of the beloved, I pray that you are walking with Him daily.  God Bless you.


Journey of the Beloved Bride of Christ 2


God’s Favoured People